Listening to: sublime - saw red
Feeling: confused
mad props to the uk and scotland yard and all of those silly brits. honestly, i cant even imagine what would be going on right now if they hadnt caught those FUCKING MUSLIMS yea...trying to sneak ingredients on planes. those fuckers thought they could actually make bombs on the planes. it blows my fucking mind. it could have been 9/11 all over again. here's my idea: these people will not stop until they are the only people left in the world so i think its about time we let the racism fucking FLY and bomb those bitches and their fucking brainwashed, disgusting children and their goldfish straight to their ALLAH and be done with it. let them be martyrs for their cause, whatever, at least theyll be dead. enough with trying to be politically correct, no one responds to manners anymore, especially not those filthy parasites. there's absolutely no other way to handle them at this point, they will NOT leave the world alone so its time we fuck them up. honestly, if i could, i would strangle those cocksuckers one by one with my own hands and id enjoy it. id write my college thesis on that shit. i dont understand. WE DONT WASTE OUR FUCKING TIME SITTING IN CAVES THINKING OF WAYS TO KILL YOU. youre worthless pieces of shit, and im sure you understand that based on your ridiculous inferiority complex expressed by the need to ABOLISH any higher form of life. aka everyone else BUT you. you and your fucking hezbollah, and your fucking bombs, and your fucking B.O. STOP BEATING YOUR WOMEN AND TAKE A DAMN SHOWER.
i dont understand how you people could be so vicious. you smoke opium all day just chill and worry about your own shit on your own shitty ass part of the world. like the development of a water system or i donno...your childrens educational system. that should take a lot of time and be enough for you to worry about, rather than plotting to exterminate people who wouldnt touch you with a 60 foot pole because youre just THAT disgusting.
you shitheads will never learn! which is why one day soon, youll all be dead and we can be happy that the world isnt in danger overpopulation anymore.
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