Listening to: brady bunch - sunshine day
Feeling: so-so
there are a few important things i need to talk about with u people.
i hate it when people use bad grammar. I HATE IT! so, ive decided to give u all a mini grammar lesson.
ok, first we're gonna start with the all mighty their, they're and theres;
THERE: indicates a place, as in "i'm going there"
THEIR: indicates ownership, as in "they put their pants back on"
THEY'RE: this means THEY ARE - it is also called a CON-TRAC-TION. SAY IT WITH ME. it is used in sentences such as "they're fucking stupid!"
so, now u have completed round one. give yourself a pat on the back for being a smart mofucker! moving right along to the ever so popular your and you're;
YOU'RE: this means YOU ARE! yet another contraction, now isnt this exciting! "you're fucking stupid!"
u have made it to the last round, dun dun dun...were, we're and where! get ready for this one kids!
WERE: this word is talking about this past. it is the past form of 'to be' instead of saying something like 'you are,' you would say 'you were'
WHERE: this also talks about location. it does not mean 'to be' it can be used in sentences such as 'where are you going?' OR 'i was at that place where...'
WE'RE: contraction #3. WE ARE. as in "we're fucking stupid!"
YEA! so now u have mno excuse to be stupid....and sorry for being such a bitch about it but it had to be said. come on guys. we learned this in 2nd grade.
did anyone see the inferno last night? those people are the most awful people ive seen in my life. naturally, im saying this without knowing anything that theyre going through, but still..i feel so bad for the hell they put katie through even if she cant do missions for shit. corals and veronica need to be put into a box and sent to some island where no one can hear of them again. i hate those bitches.
im sick of the drama. STOP IT PEOPLE! i dont wanna hear about how miserable your life is because 5 guys like you and u have to chose, i dont wanna hear about how ur depressed now because ur friend ditched u or because u got in a fight with ur boyfriend who u cant stop talking about, and all the rest of that stuff. im gonna be honest with u all: i dont wanna hear it cuz i really dont care. because there have most definitely been MANY people who have gone through the same shit and trust me, theres always gonna be someone going through something worse. soo save it..cuz its holmdel, and i know there are people with real problems and that have had real life-changing things happen to them, but otherwise, ur not gonna remember these problems 5 years from now. people need to stop focussing on such trivial things.
and stop being so frigen back stabbing! mygod! enough! and AND! stop being so insensitive! if i tell someone i trust about some guy i like and how..whatever i tell that person about him, and then they tell me how they thinks that guy might like her I DONT WANNA KNOW! keep your shit to yourself!
ok so ive just worked myself up over nothing. i need to relax as anthony tells me every single day. and i need to hear something funny.
-bullboy (sime)