
Listening to: i dont know
i love people who try to justify having myspaces by saying "these things are so fucking stupid...but i have one anyway..." i also love math. conics are so fun. i cant think of a better way to spend my life than talking about conic sections and elipses and OH MY! hyperbolas! i honestly get really jealous of mrs. fleming sometimes. the meaning her life has...its just hard to put into words. i dont see the greatness of valentines day. i know that its partly because i dont have a REAL valentine..but still...i dont picture myself being one of those girls who wears all pink and red and acts all cutesy when her boyfriend gives her crap. or gifts. whatever. i love hearts. as i said, i also love math. today is such a blah day. after being forced to go to school around 11 by my mother, who obviously doesnt give a flying fuck that im sick, i sat through every class in a complete idiotic stupor. today was pretty much the most pointless day of my life. maybe i'll knit a sweater or something later to give today more meaning. im apparently in high demand. ive gotten at least 100 emails from colleges and today i got 12 letters. theyre all crap colleges, no doubt, but i still feel important. i cant think of a good mood to put. and im not going to israel this summer. fuckers. age limit of 18-26 my ass. my moms trying to blackmail me into liking her again by telling me she has a valentines day present for me. why does everyone think im so shallow. my mom called me shallow yesterday and now she thinks that everythings gonna be ok if she gives me a present. i dont think i'll finish this story im kind of sick of whatever ive been talking about already. ------------------------------------------- ps. playproducts.asp?id=1&subcat=2&cat=Adult+ Trainers&L2=Beginner+Series&L3=Adult+Trainers ...even the cheapest one will do.
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yeah well i don't know if u have seen it, but u know blade? the first one? at the end of that there is thos vampire in russia about to bite this girl. i saw the place they were on and how they were speaking and fell in love straight away...
whats your story?