Listening to: phantom
Feeling: hungry
i think that because mexico is over and i'm under no pressure to be uber skinny anymore, all i want to do is eat OMFGIHDFKL IM SO HUNGRY.
its like im a fucking pregnant woman. i mean, who else has random cravings for CHEESE? or spaghetti squash for the love of GOD
i understand that its not attractive when girls eat..or speak, or whatever, im sorrry
if it wasnt for the fact that there is absolutely nothing in my house with FAT or SUGAR or ANYTHING in it, i would be the size of a whale and his sister put together.
but i have this food theory. my theory was made up in my head, i dont know why i go by it, but i cant help it. it basically says that if there is no nutrition label, and not health information on the food, its healthy. i cant reverse this, my brain wont let me, i'll be obese soon.
no wonder im friends with steph chen, the girl who did her passion speech on food.
im sorry this sounds like a fat girls diary.
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