happy fourth of july

fourth of july = sean's of course. i liked his swing/hammock :] and trampoline of course. i played risk with mike, sean & jimmy. but jimmy quit cause i'm better. hah, i'm really bad actually. got to the fireworks just as they started, some girl behind us was loud as FCUK. mike & i tried to be sneaky, and ended up stuck in traffic for about a half hour. he set of fireworks in my backyard, then we went swimming. & i went in my clothes, well only half ;] same thing as a bathing suit basically. beach tomorrow :] then hopefully seeing mike so we can make some porn, just minus the camera ;] hahah just kidding, seriously kidding. i don't understand how some girls see boys who smoke as being hot? i find that the MOST unattractive thing a boy can do. not only that it destroys your lungs, but just seeing the motion is disgusting. i prefer to kiss someone with clean lungs and nice breath, not smoke-filled. and if you smoke, don't smoke in front of me. if you do, don't be offended if i pull my clothing in front of my nose & mouth to prevent second hand smoke, which by the way makes smoking in public VERY impolite and inconsiderate. you smoke = i hate you :] it's just that simple. addiction = lung cancer, & me = not sympathetic cause it's your own fault.
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yeah x. william is a cutie but i like harry for some reason. i dont want the guy all of the girls like. i like harry =)
i did have fun and didnt blow myself up

another sucessfull day