our only chance to find the meaning of the beat beneath the

jenni's house was an experience. cookies + dallas cobwoy player + the unknown only to you = love/hate. details are for us to know & you to never find out :] outback with mike = cute sort of like a date i suppose :] didn't get lost either way, was a plus. then talked for awhile at my house, which made me happy. till we were inturrupted, hmm. this is going to be sort of a repeat of last year's fourth of july, but better. we're going to sean's again, and me & mike are together again :] i like fireworks & mike good combination in one day.
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your diary is really cute
i don't think so but it is okay
well yeah here is my email address samibabeeox@yahoo.com you send me the codes and then i will send you the code to make it way bigger.=)
Of course ;] ;] you can add me. && i will add you ♥

haha cool. well i emailed you back. and thanks so much =) and if you have aim feel free to add me
Ret x Ro Romance & you can keep my email address to =)