hmm...i dunno

Listening to: Kelley\'s blabbering
Feeling: whiney
I didn't do much today. I went to see "The Stepford Wives" w/ Kelley, Pat, Leslie, Jones, Brendan, and Sarah. The movie was pretty good, but only 2 of us had something exciting happen. I'm happy I have rehearsal tomorrow. It really gives me something to look forward to, to know that I'm in the process of making new friends is SO exciting to me. That's all I really have to say tonight! P.S. Thanks to Hannah for helping me think of the very clever title for this entry.
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*cough* Loser *cough*... I thought you were moving to England! Oh well, I guess I'll just have to deal with you here... Or... Online... Heh. xoxo Cate