In Another Life

Feeling: adored
Well, today was a lovely Saturday. First, I woke up at 9:30(which was actually pretty dreadful since I didn't get half as much sleep as one should). Then, went to "Children's Letters to God" rehearsal until 1. Then, I hung out with my mom. After that, I went to the bookstore and on my way home Giulia called to see if I wanted to see Dracula tonight. So, I took a shower and picked her up and we ate dinner at Subway. Then, we went back to her house so she could get ready. After that, we went to see Dracula. During the 3rd act, we got to sit in the light booth because she knows the light guy. It was much fun! He took us backstage and I almost peed myself because I consider those ballerines to be like celebrities. Ballet is so beautiful. I wish I could do it well. Now, I'm getting ready to go watch a movie. And for your viewing pleasure, a picture of me and my best friend in the whole entire world, Giulia Marie Dalbec: Image hosted by
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i love that girl as if she was my own.