Listening to: Newlyweds-MTV
Feeling: hardcore
Yesterday, I never got to sleep which sucks!
At rehearsal, dedra got extremely upset b/c they screwed up a part of the set, and she might have to re-block a scene!
After rehearsal, I rode with Abby to her house, and Elizabeth, Justin, Justins cousins, Alexx, Trey, Robert, Katie, and some non-play people came over. I played with Abbys adorable dog most of the time. Her house is extremely awesome! I had to leave at like 11 which pissed me off b/c everyone else got to stay later.
We have rehearsal at 6:30 tonight, then I'm spending the night at Lantyes.
((Oh, and I love you Lori...I STILL have "foam crap" on my capris! hahaha.))