Again I Go Unnoticed

Feeling: unmotivated
Yet again I have fallen back into the pit of never ever writing in here. I really do try to keep up with it, but I never feel inspired to write anymore, or I feel inspired to write, but it's stuff that I could only make as a private entry and that sort of defeats the purpose of having this diary. Life isn't as bad as it could be, not at all really. In fact, sometimes I find myself being truly happy. Thank God I'm in "Leader of the Pack" this summer, I'm so thrilled, but we've only had one rehearsal. I'm sure once we start rehearsing a lot I'll be happier. This past weekend I competed with Broadway Bound in the Encore Dance Competition. For Shannon and me's tap duet we got 1st, for my musical theatre solo I got 1st, for our musical theatre group number we got 1st and 1st overall, for our lyrical group number we got 1st, and for my vocal solo I got 2nd. It was pretty fun, but VERY exhausting. School is getting harder and harder to enjoy simply because it feels like we're so close to summer yet so far. I think I have senioritis even though I'm only a sophomore. I can't believe I'll be a junior soon, though. My love life, if that's really what you want to call it, is pretty non existant. I do like someone new. Yeah, got over the other one, but it doesn't appear that the new guy is in to me either. I know, SHOCKING...not. Friends are good. I still miss Molly a lot. I really wish she could come home more often. I feel like God keeps taking my friends with me, it's starting to make me think that I need to put a wall around my heart so I don't get too close to anyone. I've become good friends with Anastacia and I adore her, but of course she graduates in two weeks. She's going to USC, but she'll be in college so...yeah. We'll see. I think that is about it! Ciao!
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