Don't Cry Out Loud

Feeling: alright
Well, as you can see I'm made my diary public again because I miss people being able to read it. So yeah. I'm just going to be more cautious of what should be in public entries and what should be in private entries. This week didn't really impact me too much so I'm just gonna start with yesterday. Friday. It was a dress down day, but of course I couldn't hear that announcement because my class is soooo loud, so I had to call my mom and get her to bring me clothes. I got out of 6th period for the funniest reason. I needed to get Tori August(8th grader) to french braid my hair for the pep rally and my teacher actually let me sit in her class. It was awesome because it had my favorite 8th graders in it(Jo, Carolyn, Tori, Kara, Anna, Stephanie, and James) Then I didn't have to go to 7th period because the cheerleaders had to change and practice. The pep rally was pitiful, and our cd wouldn't work so all we did was a cheer. Sad. Cheering yesterday was pretty boring. The girls won! I'm cheering later today too. yay! Hopefully going out tonight, but probably not. Hm... I think that's all for now! Au Reviour!
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plus yuo went to tap today with lovely me!!!!