
Feeling: alright
This weekend has gone by WAY too fast! Friday night, I cheered at the CN vs. Heathwood game. It really was the funnest basketball game I've ever been to. The energy was so amazing. We all wanted to beat Heathwood soooo bad. We had to go into overtime, and everyone lined up near the cheerleaders on the floor which was cool. With 12 seconds left, JP scored the winning shot. It was soooo amazing. Without even thinking, we all ran out to the middle of the gym, clustered around the players, jumping up and down and screaming. Everyone was in such an amazing mood afterwards. After the game, I went to the after party at the Thibodeaux's(i think I spelled that right). It was fun. All of the teenagers sat around talking and laughing. It was seniors, juniors, sophmores, and freshman all together. Something happened...something wonderful. Which I will write about in a private entry. As my dad was pulling into the driveway, he opened the garage door and said "Oh no! Someone parked in my spot!" And there it was! MY CAR! A silver VW Beetle. My adorable little car. I immediatly got into it and listened to music. And it's mine. AH! Saturday was boring. I didn't do anything. Then, that night, I went to Friday's with Meg, Leslie, Molly, Calle, Ashlee, Anna, Jamie, and Lauren. Dinner was fun. Then, we went to see Coach Carter. I was the only person who didn't enjoy it at all. That night, I finally got my car to play a burned cd. I sat in the car and listened to music really loud. More about that also in the private entry. Today, I got out of doing Palmetto Girls, and Dedra cancelled Lyrical. Tomorrow starts Coming Home Week. Then, THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE ON SATURDAY!
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yay for Lo!!! i am soo happy that u got a car! :) can't wait to see it! but im sure its great!!! well see ya at skl tomm! love ya!

xoxo Cate