Merry Christmas!

Feeling: fine
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanakuh, Happy Kwanzaa, whatever blows your skirt up! My Christmas was pretty good. Let's rewind to Christmas Eve: During the day, I didn't do anything particularly special. I basically just sat around the house. My mom let me open one present, and I got pink Uggs! Their uber cute! That evening, we went to church. Leslie had to leave in the beginning because Will was misbehaving so Kelley came and sat with my mom, me, and Kim. Their were triplets in front of us! They were so cute! After that, we went to the Grantz's for the annual christmas eve party. I left after a few minutes with my sisters, Will, and my brother in law. We headed to Camden. Once in Camden, I sat in the den and watched tv with Pat(my brother in law) for a long time. Then went to bed. I woke up at 7ish this morning and went downstairs. I got a stereo thingy for my ipod, money, cds, clothes, etc. The usual, pretty much. After opening presents, I went back to bed until it was time to eat. After eating, we stuck around for awhile then finally left. Now, I'm buying some cds on itunes and importing some cds onto my ipod. woo hoo. Happy Holidays!!
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