Owner Of My Heart

Feeling: longing
Blaaah. This weekend is blah. I don't know what else to say honestly. Friday-school sucked as usual. After that, I had ballet which was okay. Then, I went to the mall with my sister and bought a shirt, belt, and jewelry. That night, I went to the Heathwood/CN basketball game. I stayed for like one quarter than left and went to D's with Molly L and Meg. It was pretty fun. Then, we got Starbucks. Today I went to Urban Nirvana. I got a facial, hydrotherapy, and a hot stone massage. YAY. Then, I had rehearsal. It was alright. After that, I went to Shannon's bday party for a little bit. After I took Harry home, I went to see Tristan and Isolde with Kelley. The movie was really good, but it somehow left me feeling even more single that usual. Then, we went to see Fridays. Fun fun fun. Tomorrow I have rehearsal then lyrical. What a thrilling life I live.
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and you saw mee at the game! woo! i love you lori and harry and i want to go out to eat with you and whoever else next weekend. call me. ~MT