I really cant

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: misplaced
I really hate Cardinal Newman. I'm not even going to try to explain why, because no one would understand,I just really hate it. It really doesn't feel good to dread everyday. To count down the days until I get out of it. To only be truly happy when I'm at the theatre, or something like that. I just can't bare to think that I have 3 3/4 years of CN ahead of me. Torture is the best word to describe it. I just can't do this anymore..I can't.
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Aww Lori! What's going on?? Aww if there is ANYTHING you need me to do, I'm here for you!! If ya want to talk, let me knoow ok? Luv ya!! ~Molls
Lori, you should definately call me to talk to me about this stuff! K? I love you, girl! Don't think about what you're going to be doing in those 3.5 years, thing about what you're going to be doing AFTER them. Lori, you control your life, and you can do whatever you want with it. I have faith in you! :)

xoxo Cate
it sounds cheesy and overdone, but concentrate on the good stuff! I hated high school while I was in it, but looking back there was much more I should have enjoyed - especially during freshman and sophomore year. For instance, getting to go to sleep early! Not REALLy having to worry about work as much as I did. Having my parents around. etc.