third ONE

Listening to: NELLY MY PLACE
Feeling: blah
lmao this is my third entry in the same day, same HOUR!!!!!!!! I am in Mr. Johns Listening to MUSIC.. now I will comment on how my day is going.... :) First hour... gym.. I did TEN PUSHUPS NON STOP!!!!!! so proud this is my second day actually doing this... then we went out and ran..... I ran the quarter mile in a mINUTE and 43 SECONDs!! now what NUQQA!!?!?!? jk jk.. man then in mid block... boring as FUDGE... tried to sleep... but I didnt I wasnt that tired I guess... then in second we were supposed to take a test but not til monday!!!!!!! YESSSSS. then third BLOCK NOW... we all played this game for some hot tamales.. I ALMOST WON but LaPointe gave me some of hers... o wellz... next week. THIS WEEKEND IS GONNA FUDGING ROCK GOING TO ANDREA's HOUSE!!!!!! TIL SUNDAY!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS... next hour my fav. class.. Imma see my crUSH! aint NO ONE KNOW WHO IS IT... hehehehe! except Zach and Jeff...... but people would be like EWW... but he is so funny. I am natuarlly attracted to my kind.. FUNNY AS HELLO! Imma dip gots to go to BIOLOGY!!!!!! lova ya'lls
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LOL Enjoy your time with your crush. he sounds like a good guy.. and ya know looks are everything. it's how you feel around that person and how they make you feel is all that matters!!
sounds like your having some fun this weekend!! awesome!! :-)
hey girl!!!! it's katie.. imma start usin this diary now (virgobabey) just cuz i like it better.. it brings back a lotta memories.. yeah gym is hard!!! running that.. i ran it in 1:45 so we're pretty close!! glad ur life is gettin along.. good luck with ur crush ;)
haha whatever..HATER these days..DAMN lol..anyways have fun!!!