All I Want From You

Friendship. To be able to talk to you in the hallway without it getting weird. I dont know why you can't be the same person around me that you are around your other friends. Why is it so weird around me? I don't get that. All I want is to be able to talk to you about anything that I need to. To get your input on things, to be able to keep your secrets too. I am a very trustworthy person, ask ppl. I have the ability to be a very good friend. I don't understand why you can't just talk to me... :( that makes me sad. Because u said we could be friends, yet you can't talk to me. I am a good person... I wish you would be able to be my friend. all I want from you is friendship. is that too much to ask from u?
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SSDD = Same Shit Different Day ... lmao that's ollddd real old buddy where r u livin? :-D its in some movie too.. lmao but yeaaa I CANT WAIT!! i go tomorrow at noon up to the airport!! :-D I soo happy!
lol for guys friendship is a hard thing to get to with some girls.. idk why exactly but I notice guys who have girlfriends, they usually treat their girlfriend different than one of the guys, because they ARNT ONE OF THE GUYS.. they are special, :-)

Sometimes they will point you out when ur with them, sometimes they will just be slick n let everything slide like ur not there.. but deep down he's paying attention to every word.

FELICIAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah you know I was screaming that last night ;P HAHA. Anyways..DAMN I haven't been here in like FOREVER. you freakin' wrote a lot! LOL well anyways..just wanted to see how you were doing and to let you know that I LOVE YOU :) *EM
hun, sometimes it just takes time (ur hip isnt gonna get better overnite).. and if hes not ready to be ur friend again... u just gotta keep pushin and keep showin him what a great person u are... "dont leave when i push u away, its when i need u the most"