well today I was officially inducted to the singing club. lmfao. this is going to be awesome. tomorrow I will have to sing in front of the class... for a punishment. I didn't do anything wrong. people were just trying to get me into the singing club for the longest time, so I was like just put me in there for GOODNESS sakes. :D I dont think I will be too nervous.. hehehe... but I don't know what song I will be singing, but I will make it awful for them! JUST AWFUL! bWUahhahaHAHAHHA.. thats what the sons of bitches get for trying to get me in there. I wonder what song I will be singing. thats been bothering me all day! I will be like, THIS IS WHAT U WANTED! lmfao. I will make it the best possible shit ever, then they will have learned their lessons. :) bwuahahahaaaa! I will tell u about it tomorrow. *so excited* btw today was a good day. :D
Read 8 comments
Im not strong...honestly...

Im very weak. I just try to hide it. it has been hard from day 1. Im not saying it has ever been easy.
welp the seniors left us today so im practically offically a sophomore. crazy huh. what kind of nurse
I have no choice. I have to get on with it. But if life doesnt improve for me soon i think i might take a gun on the underside of my chin and pull the trigger.
Its getting painfull now.

Im sure that you have strength inside of you. Anyone could endure this if they really tried. I have to. I love my parents too much.
lmao, damn pop up windows. ne wayz, teacher thinks hes the shit cuz he has a whistle :|. fuckin homo. ok, its for marching band. i aint in it, but i play the flute, so i have to "march" with them, which iono y cuz it aint like ima be in the parade or ne thing lol. yes, i hate him n he hates me..hes forever picking on me lol. so0o ya
u sing ur heart out fe! :D lmao
congrats!! youll sing beautifully!! like always!!
well i guess i can tell you a story...
*sighs* i live in australia, right? and guess what town i live in? u guessed it, Rainbow.
for real, thats what my town is called. know u love it
lol, funny pop up thing. I wanted to laugh but then I couldn't because I'm in typing class and it's all quiet and shit..ahhaha so yups. You're don't even know his name? whoa..his name is jerry you dork. Lol funny! I loved your singing today btw ;) SUPERb. Practically married? PLEASE..never, nothing that serious. I guess, no it's not fun having a bf...because I'm still a jk...jk..w/b