
Listening to: Jedhia talking...
Feeling: achy
I was talking to Jedhia, and I still am so yea and she was getting like really mad about this DUMB typewriting class.. she said and I quote! "this school is gonna drive me to drinkin and smokin w33d..!" I was ROLLLLLINNNNN it was so funny awwww man! rich sh1t right there. anyways. yesterday I talked to zach on the phone for like 5 min. lmao (it was the thought that counted) and yea that wasnt nothing special. but something caught my ear, lol and it was that he talked to amanda for like an hour and for the first time ever, I was not nosy and all asking her what they talked about. Man I was so proUD! LOL.. and I still dont wanna know. :) but then today in the hallway like RIGHT IN THE MORNING.. :) me and zach saw each other in the hallway and he waved to me and had to step close to him because someone was coming and he all cutely shoved me.. :D I just smiled and looked back and as I kept walking and saw he was looking at me. Immma get that boi one day :) until then I can wait. everyone be asking me whats wrong whats wrong. cant I be depressed without something being wrong LMFAO. I am so serious. man dude. yea.... I am just not here these days. I think it is because of school. I swear school can get you depressed as FUDGE!!! everyone I talk to agree with me. high school is WAAAAAAAAY overrated sometimes. But sometimes it is so funny. I dont think I talked about the homcomming football game. maybe some other time I will.. it was SO MUCH FUN...! But I have to go for now.. I gotta go and read all my others folkzes diaries!
Read 2 comments
awwwwww i know exactly wat u mean.. school is depressing :( lol yeah well see ya 2day goo.. luv ya (: byez -kd-
hey felicia...i don't know what to i'm at school and have nothing to do so yeah I'm thinking about you mistress..LOL tk.