K1ssin Survey...
Age of first k1ss: 9 years old.. french right? then yea... 9 :-[
Number of people you've k1ssed: errr... 10ish.. I dont k1ss everyone I see ;)
French k1ssing is: the greatest k1ss there is
The worst kind of k1ss is: when it doesnt mean anything to him
The best k1sser you know: Zach :D
The celebrity you'd like to k1ss: Brett Favre well I kinda want to do more than k1ss
Friend you would like to k1ss: uhhh, Zach :D
Favorite movie k1ss: lady and the tramp.. it was cute
Do you k1ss on the first date?: yep
Eyes open or closed? closed
Average number of k1sses you get a day: usually none
Ever k1ssed a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? I k1ssed a friend's gf... LMAO.. not even playin either
The last person you kissed: Zach
Best place to be k1ssed: N3CK.. I GO CRAZY MAN!
Have you k1ssed someone of the same s3x? yea
What about the opposite s3x? of course
Do you consider k1ssing cheating?: YES!!!!!!!
The longest you've gone without a k1ss: well its been a good 6 months now.
K1ssing in public is: so FREAKIN AWESOME
Tongue rings are: lets put it this way.. I wish I had one
Two girls k1ssing is: so FEAKIN AWESOME
Two guys k1ssing is: ew..
What fictional character do you most want to k1ss?: prince charming
Soft lips or firm lips?: Idc.. as long it is from that special person!