school clothes shopping

Feeling: torn
ahh well, i went to southridge con mi madre and i got some cute shirts and a bra. LOL, mom tryin to tell me I was a D cup, I think NOT!! she was salty.. anyways. i went to aero, kohls, STEVE N BARRYS!, and Rave. got some cute clothes. :) now i just need to figure out when Dad wants to go to and get me some pants. and maybe another pair of shoes. he has to meet what mom spent on me. :D lol i got a nice new purse, from Aero. the cute one i wanted thats tan, and now i need to get shit to go in it. like my id, which me and Matthew are going to get and then we are going hang out all day!!! :D ahhh, i cant wait until he comes to my house that early in the mornin. :D lol ahh, i'm in love. i love the child. i love u hun. SO MUCH! &thatsallshewrote
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hey does my friends show on ur comp b.c im not on mine and its saying i have none or did they gett deletted lol ?

can i come to ur houze earli in the morning? lol

awwwww =) matt and felicia sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G ... or no wait.. it's much more... HAHA lolol love ya goo :D just had to stop by and say HI

<3 Kate
Haha nice, we must have the same style. I went shopping at all those places today too and got a tan purse at aero. Weirdness. And no, I start next Monday. I'm happy =]