Feeling: hungover
o shit me and kara did like everything with each other (on EVERY LEVEL.. L M F A O... aaaaha) these past 4 days. i want to go into detail, but i dont have the strength. :D aha! PUTTING THAT TOWEL ON PUMPKIN! omg, that was awesome. that was one we forgot. what about the rest... i wrote them down. -pasty asian. LMFAO OMG. -Lil Catholic boys get pregnant! lmfaO! -Peaches Fran. -Ant Eater Lookin Ass -Body wash/lotion incident. LMFAO.. -Matt W. OMG, i was so embarrassed, Kara... ur a diCk. -Trees havin ass -Bedpost with Officer Denman -Ryan n Keri are one cute fucking couple. -CONFESSION TIME! lmfao! woO!!! omg, i need to go into the story on this one-- alright so Lel dropped a roll on the floor. (we were cutting the rolls) and then she put it back into the basket thing, and she was like "I wont say anything if u won't." and i was like well... i dropped the towel on the floor when we were drying off the dishes yesterday. and then i was like "CONFESSION TIME!" and Lel was like "Ok, i had sex when i was 13." OMG, I WAS ROLLIN'!!!!!!! omG that was great. ahahahah that was too awesome. -my fine Barrios cousins... lol... Kara. -whoopin Kara's ass. -creepy GUY!!! -Felicia and Kelly LMFAO she thought i was cute and we were totally flirting all day longggg!!!! -Sycho BOB! -BOWL CUT! -same wardrobe havin ass!! -dollar tree!!!! "where's the popcorn!?"..."right over THERE!!!"...salty ass! -pinch/slap. (kara pinched me, then i pimp slapped her) -kelly holding us around the waist!!! LoL! -the CURTAIN! -gettin ICE IN KARA'S EYE! lmfao!! lmfao, that was just a taste. ahaha... had a fucking blast. and the night of the actual job... we basically were the caterers. it was awesome as fuck!! lol. we had a blast and omG, any day with kara is a fucking boMb! lol... WOO! aha, and then we made 100 bucks!!!! :D lol. KELLY SAID I WAS CUTE! in yo face Kara! lmfao. good days.
Read 12 comments
lookin ass....ryan was flirtin with in YO face! lol..ahahahahah hes hott. lmfao little catholic boys get pregnant! woooo good times...and bowl cut was the hottest thing ever lol...
bout damn time your back. I missed you like woah. WELCOME BACK! HAHAHA. I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH. Hope you had fun. You'll have to call me and tell me the details. LOVE YOU!! -Matt
HOLY SHIT YOU ARE BAAAACKKKKKK! YES! LOL did ya have fun? ...I cant :-P
dude that is the sexiest fucking man ever, Brian orgasmic ahahaha! haha A ND NEVER LEAVE LIKE THAT AGAIN! haha :-P im glad ur back. I missed my sit buddy, since everyone else hates me ahahahaha
You are fucking INSANE! its great haha
hah I know, I sang it to some random guy once....he was likin that waaay too much haha, actually...I think he was scared lol
haha thats fucking awesome!

Im gonne become a postitute..aha...I mean.....

I think I would have to pay the guys to sleep with me cause Im so hideous lol ahaha
hell yes, drunk white people are
ahaha you are totally insane. lol I bet people would pay me to put a paper bag over my head lol! :-) thats some hott shit right there lol
FUCK YES! ahahaha RUssians are pretty damn sexy too! hah
UR BACK!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D woo i missed you