Well ok, now i have to post on 3 1, 2, 3, blogs! yay! o well i don't care, really i don't!
Well my dad and brother are coming home today! yay! i miss them
umm nothing really happened, i found some more sexy Lestat/Stuart Townsend pics! *heart* and then i made some pixel people! yay pixel people!
Well look at this, i wish that i was that mic, man...if i was that mic....
o and look i wish i was that Guitarist!!!!
And the camera!
oooo......Stuart....you are so damn hot!
Well now for the pixel people! of course they are vampires!
The second one there is me and Lesat *squeee*
Well and last but not least a little quiz that i took!
Well i hope to post soon! ta ta for now!