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Finally finished it! Hazzah! <
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holy crap
Long Survey: 685 Questions!
[The Basics]
First Name::Lindsey
Date of Birth::August 25
Where were you born?:St. Catherines
Are you Male or Female?:female
What time were you born?:some time after 6pm
Astrological Sign::Virgo
Where do you live right now?:Oshawa
Eye Color::green with some redish brown in it
Describe your hair::Dark red, with roots, got to dye it again.
Height::I dunno, I am tall.
Righty or lefty?:Both, but mostly right
Innie or Outie?:Innie
Sexual Orientation::Straight, I like them boys!
Tattoos::none....yet ;)
Piercings::My ears
Where were you born?:St. Catherines....already said that....
What day (ex: Sunday, April 7, 1987)?:not sure what day....
What time?:already answered this, sometime around 6pm
Is there anything that was weird about your birth?:I was born, thats weird enough lol
How old were you when you started talking?:no clue
What was your first word?:mama
Who was your first best friend?:my cat, Kitty
How did you know each other?:she was my cat
What was your favorite thing to do with them?:she was my cat, ie, play with her.....remember this is when i was only like a year old, before my brother and school.
What hospital were you born in?:St. Catherines General
What was the first house you lived in like?:It was an apartment
Did you have more boy friends or girl friends?:yeah, i still have more boys that are friends
Did you play with Barbies?:yes.....
Did you play with Lincoln Logs?:no
Did you play dress up?:yes :)
Did you play house?:nope
What was preschool like?:didn't go
What was kindergarten like?:it was fun. i liked to play with the building blocks.
Did you suck your thumb?:not that i can remember
Did you watch Barney?:yes, we all did, just some of us lie about it.
Did you watch Blues Clues?:no
Did you watch Power Rangers?:wasn't allowed lmao me and my brother used to start to fight after.
What are some random memories?:uh.
Where did you grow up?:Scarbrough
Did you have an imaginary friend?:nope
Did you like to dance?:yup, still like to dance.
Did you take dance classes?:nope
Do you still live in the same house that you grew up in?:no
Do you still live in the same town?:no
What were you deathly afraid of?:Spiders
Were you ever mean to other kids?:haha, me be mean!
Were other kids ever mean to you?:nope
Did you have a babysitter?:yes
Did you go to day care?:no
Did you ever get really hurt (physically)?:not really
Were you abused?:no, well not by my father
What did you do on a typical day?:Played Salior moon with my friends, and david, and Santi! lmao the old days....
Do you wish you were still little?:yes!
Do you want to go to college?:yes
Where and why?:Art Institute of Toronto for Graphic Design or Photography
What would you major in?:Graphic Design or Photography
Do you want to get married?:sure
Do you want to have kids?:not really, maybe one day, but not till I am out of school and have a secure job. even then I think I might adopt. My body is already hell enough without adding that to it!
If so, how many?:2, one boy and one girl, or 2 boys. or 2 girls.
What would you name them?:David, Violet or David, Johnny :P or Violet, Mae
Where would you want to have your honeymoon?:Some where in Europe
(Girls) If you got married, would you keep your last name?:Nope, i want to get rid of my last name as soon as possible!!!!!
What do you want your first pet to be?:KITTY! :)
What would you name it?:Kitty most likely
What jobs are you interested in?:Graphic Design, Advertising, Photography, Writting.
Why?:Because they are my passions
Where do you want to live and why?:Canada, because I like it here.
What car do you want?:1968 Camero SS
Drinks::Cream Soda
Foods::Anything my dad cooks
Movie::Anything with Johnny Depp or vampires.
Book::The Vampire Chronicles, and the Harry Potter series
Disney Movie::Aladin
Actress::Don't have one
Actor::JOHNNY DEPP!!!! :)
Color::Blue, Red, Black
TV Show::Stargate Atlantis...John Sheppard = sex lmao
TV Channel::Space or Spike
Computer Game::Collapse
Video Game::Soul Calibur 3 or 2/Spyro (that little purple dragon could kick your ass!)
Board Game::Life
Card Game::Bull shit
Video Game Console::PS2
Amusement Park Ride::Something exciting with lots of loops
Mall::doesn't matter to me
Amusement Park::only been to one, Canada's Wonderland
Cereal::Reeses Pieces Puffs
Genre of Music::Rock, Metal
Genre of Books::Horror, Sci-fi
Genre of Movies::Horror, comedy
Song::Don't have just one
Music Album::like alot more than one
Pizza::my dads
Music Artists::to many to name off
Car::'68 Camero SS
Radio Station::What ever my dad has on in the van
Cartoon Character::i dunno
Disney Character::Sleeping Beauty
Winnie the Pooh Character::Rabbit
Salad Dressing::Ceaser
Item of Clothing (ex: shoes)::Hoodie sweater
Soda::CREAM SODA!!!!! :D
Flower::Tiger Lily
Font::I have to many to choose from lol
Shampoo::The Marc Antoni stuff i have, it smells like candy
Popsicle::Cherry or Banna
Ice Cream::Chocolate
Gadget (ex: ipod)::Digital Cam
Type of Food (ex: italian)::Spicy
Conditioner::what ever is there
Quote::to many to pick from
Mexican Food::Semosa (sp?)
Chinese Food::Egg rolls
Italian Food::Penne Polo Pesto
Bottled Water::doesn't matter
Cake::Chocolate vanilla
Subject in school::Art
Day of the Week::Saturday
Cheese::CHEESE!!! lmao cheder
Guy's Name::Johnny(depp) John(sheppard) Joe(flanigan)
Number::7 or 3
Sport to Play::European Hand ball
Sport to Watch::Hockey
Stuff to do on the weekend::Hang out with friends
House you've lived in::this one i am in right now
City::Richmond Hill (sorry oshawa lol)
State::.....booo the US
Website::my own http://sd.irihi.net
Magazine::Don't really read them
Girl's Name::Violet
Artist::to many to name
Grandparent::none of them
Letter::P (hehe)
IM Phrase::.....don't got one
Mom's Name::Sarah
Dad's Name::David
Siblings' Names/Ages::David 15
Do you like your siblings?:yup
How many siblings do you wish you had?:the one i got is just fine
Favorite Family Member::Dad or Brother
Are you the oldest, middle, only, or youngest?:oldest
Would you change it? Why?:yes, because we have to do all thw work, and get treated like hell.
What would you have been named if you were the opposite gender?:David
What jobs has your dad had in the past?:Stone Maison
What are some of his hobbies?:Fishing
What does he do for a living now?:Stone Maison
What was he like in high school?:he was the bad kid that did all the drugs, and smoked, and drank all the time.
Where did he go to college?:George Brown
Where is he from?:Ontario
What jobs has your mom had in the past?:Waitress, she does somthing at GO i have no clue what.
What are some of her hobbies?:uh.....
What does she do for a living now?:works at GO
What was she like in high school?:she was the one who got knocked up at 16 and dropped out.
Where did she go to college?:she didn't go to college
Where is she from?:St. Catherines
Which side of the family do you like better?:My fathers
Which parent do you look most like?:my mom...unfortunatly
Which parent do you act most like?:My father, thank god
Which one is the better chef?:My dad
What are your grandparents' names?:Ruby, Jim, Shraon, Jim
What are your parents' siblings' names?:Rob(mom) Tony, George(dad)
Are you an aunt/uncle?:no
Where does your extended family live?:Canada
Are your parents still together?:no
Are you adopted?:no
When are your family's birthdays?:not listing them all
This or That
Windows or Apple?:Window
Computer Games or Video Games?:video
Christmas or Halloween?:both
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner?:dinner, the only meal i eat. I almost never eat lunch, and never eat breakfast
Cloth Napkin or Paper Napkin?:paper
Caramel or Fudge?:fudge
Whipped Cream or Cool Whip?:they are the same thing o.O
Chocolate or Vanilla?:Chocolate
Summer or Winter?:both
Fall or Spring?:fall
Day or Night?:night
McDonalds or Burger King?:McDonalds
Hot or Cold?:cold
Ice Cream Cone or Bowl?:bowl
Europe or Asia?:Europe
Santa or the Tooth Fairy?:SATAN..*cough* i mean santa
Smooth or Chunky PB?:chunky
Bikini or One Piece?:one piece
Movie or Microwave Popcorn?:movie
Rock or Rap?:Rock
Burger or Hot Dog?:hot dog
Nike or Adidas?:doesn't matter
Britney or Christina?:NEITHER!
Opera or Play?:Play
Movie or TV?:Movie
Sweet or Sour?:sweet
Dog or Cat?:cat
Xbox or PS2?:PS2
Rain or Sun?:both, i love sun showers
Snow or Storm?:storm
Beach or Mountains?:both
Love or Lust?:both ;)
Black or White?:black
Blue or Red?:both
Pink or Purple?:neither
Thunder or Lightning?:both
Turtle or hamster?:hamster
Full or empty?:depends on what your talking about
Messy or neat?:doesn't matter
Black pen or blue pen?:doesn't matter
Cheetos or Fritos?:cheetos
Bird or Bunny?:bunny
Paperclip or safety pin?:safety pin
Scotch tape or duct tape?:duct tape
[Opinions & Why::Be detailed!]
Abortion::Its right if you are can't take care of the child proporly or it was concived out of rape. But not to be used as a type of birth control.
President Bush::needs to die already
Rock::rocks my socks off
Country::is what my grandmother listens to
Murder::Is bad...but certian people deserve to die
Suicide::Is bad as well, go get help, there is another way.
Terrorism::Is wrong
Christianity::your choice
Global Warming::Should be stoped
Gay Marriage::Should be allowed, but not called marriage, because marriage is a religious term, and it says in the bible that its man with woman. But a civil union should be allowed.
Obesity::Some people are fat, get used to it *pats belly*
Virgins::Hey, hold on to what you got, thats your choice. Me, at the age of 16...i hate the title.
Teenage Parenthood::Some people are ready, some people aren't
Premarital Sex::w00t sex! lmao
Pornography::w00t! pr0n! lmfao
Stem Cell Research::Might cure cancer
Britney Spears::might cause cancer
England::is cool
Dogs::are cool
Cats::are awesome
Canada::is awesome! hehe
Steroids::are not cool
Nazis::need to go kill themselves
Paris Hilton::needs to go kill herself, or gain some weight, that will probably cause her to kill her self, so thats alright too lol
Lindsay Lohan::needs to gain weight and stop singing
Hilary Duff::needs to gain weight and stop singing
[Have you ever]
Been in love?:yes
Kissed someone of the same sex?:no
Kissed someone of the opposite sex?:nope :(
Had sex?:no
Met the president?:no
Watched porn?:LMAO!!! remember meaghan ;) lol that was funny. Everyone at the age of 16 has seen porn
Been prank called?:no
Been to a factory?:yes
Made a scene in public to get your way?:no
Cried over a movie?:no
Met a celebrity?:no
Bungee jumped?:not yet
Sky dived?:not yet
Been scuba diving?:not yet
Skipped school?:hehe yes
Done something sexual with an animal?:NO WAY!
Been to an amusement park?:yes
Been to a fair?:yes
Been to Disneyland?:no
Been to Disneyworld?:no
Been to New York?:no
Been to Microsoft?:no
Been to LA?:no
Been to Hawaii?:no
Been to the Grand Canyon?:no
Been to the Coral Reef?:no
Been to the Eiffel Tower?:no
Been to Venice?:no
Been to Europe?:no
Been to Africa?:no
Been to Canada?:I live in canada
Been to Mexico?:no
Been to the Middle East?:no
Been to Asia?:no
Been to Australia/New Zealand?:no
Been to Antarctica?:no
Taken dance lessons?:nope
Cut yourself?:nope
Contemplated suicide?:once
Attempted suicide?:nope
Killed someone?:want to
Gotten held back?:nope
Said "I love you" to someone besides a relative?:yes
Gotten engaged?:nope
Gotten married?:nope
Asked someone out and been rejected?:yes
Been asked out?:yes
Been dumped?:kinda
Dumped someone?:kinda
Worn a uniform?:nope
Worn a sports uniform?:yes
Made yourself throw up?:no
Had an eating disorder?:no
Won a game of bowling?:almost
Written a love letter or poem?:yes
Had surgery?:no
Been to overnight camp?:no
Been to day camp?:no
Been in a car accident?:yes
Wet your pants?:no
Snuck out?:not yet
Made out?:not yet
Broken the law?:many times
Done drugs?:not yet
Drink?:not yet
Been in jail?:nope
Played spin the bottle?:yes
Played seven minutes in heaven?:nope
Started a fire?:yup
Walked into a glass door?:nope
Been to a circus?:yes
Dated a teacher?:nope
Liked a teacher?:no. Mr Conway was cute, but i didn't "like"
Been on TV?:nope
Been on the radio?:nope
Been in the newspaper?:When I was born, and when I die
Seen a living penguin?:yes
Been robbed?:nope
Played with Barbies?:used to
Climbed a tree?:yup
Fallen from a tree?:no, that was david. I almost did though, remember nikki :P
Participated in a science fair?:yes
Broken/lost/stolen something important to someone else?:no
Been to the zoo?:yes
Built a tree house?:yes
Been in a tree house?:yes
Been snowboarding?:no
Been skiing?:no
Been to a baseball game?:yes
Gotten a root canal?:no
Gotten a cavity?:yes
Gotten an F?:no
Been home-schooled?:no
Gone to boarding school?:no
Been kicked out of a house (yours or someone else's)?:no
Faked sick?:yes
Broken a bone?:no
Gone tanning (in a bed)?:no
Dyed your hair?:yes
Been to a counselor?:yes
Had a shot?:yes
[Last time you]
Traveled::To my grandmothers
Ate::when i got home
Drank::when i got home
Slept::last night
Went to school::today
Saw a friend::today
Said I love you::yesterday, to my dad
Were embarrassed::today, i embarrass myself all the time lol i don't care
[For a billion dollars would you]
Jump off the Empire State Building onto a giant pillow?:no
Eat a whole human brain?:sure
Kill your parents?:my mother...
Kill your best friends?:no
Kill the president?:yes
Shoot your foot?:yes
Stab your eye out with a paperclip?:yes
Drink a glass of coagulating blood?:yes :P
Get AIDS?:no
Perform at a strip club?:yes, no one would like it, but i would make a billion dollars
Eat a bug?:yes
Gain 50 pounds?:yes
Go to school naked?:no
Give up your hearing?:yes
Give up your eyesight?:yes
Shave your head?:yes
Get hit by a bus?:no
Agree to die in five years?:no
[Last person you]
Spoke to::Heather
Kissed::no one
Ate with::myself
Sang with::myself
Hung out with::Meaghan and Heather
Shopped with::My grandmother
Laughed with::Meaghan
Studied with::I don't study lol
High fived::Meaghan...i think
Liked::do i have to say it, isn't it quite obvious the last person i liked?
Loved::same this as above, everyone who knows me, knows who the last person i loved was.
Bit::John, haha
Licked::no one
Rolled your eyes at::Andrew
Talked to on the phone::Meaghan
Traveled with::My brother
wish::i had money
hate::Matt Brown
miss::My old friends
hope::for life
hear::the tv
search::for nothing
wonder::about alot of things
am wearing::black pants, black hoodie(a new one =O)
love::My family, my friends
ache::for nothing
eat::nothing right now
drink::apple juice
am not::a poser
sing::to Aerosmith when i am alone
cry::only when people can't see/hear me, or almost never
write::alot about how i feel, and whats going on around me
confuse::alot of people
need::nothing but love right now
should::go eat dinner
play::Soul Calibur 3
[In the opposite sex (or same sex)]
Eye color::blue or green
Hair color::doesn't matter to me
Hair length::just as long as it isn't longer than mine
Curly/Straight/Wavy/etc::doesn't matter
Clothing Style::doesn't matter
Fat or Skinny?:doesn't matter
(Girls) Skinny/Muscular or Big/Muscular::doesn't matter
(Guys) No Makeup or Makeup::
(Girls) Boxers or Briefs::boxers
(Guys) Bikini or Thong::
(Girls) Abs, Arms, or Legs::doesn't matter
(Guys) Boobs, Butt, or Legs::
(Girls) What sports?:Hockey
(Guys) Muscular or Flimsy?:
(Girls) Video games or no?:video games are awesome :P
(Guys) Athletic, Punk, Prep or Geek?:
(Girls) Speedo or Trunks?:Trunks in public at least ;)
(Guys) Bikini or One Piece?:
(Girls) Jeans or Shorts?:doesn't matter
(Guys) Jeans or Skirts?:
Tall or Short::doesn't matter
Punk or Prep::doesn't matter
Smart or Dumb::just not overly stupid
Current School::Donevan
Past schools::to many to list
Favorite school::don't have one
GPA::about a 3
Favorite Class::Art
Least Favorite Class::math
Best Class::Photography
Worst Class::Math
Do/did you like PE?:yes
Grade Level::12
[Love and All That Jazz]
Have you ever been in love?:yes
Who was your first crush?:a kid names travis
First love?:still haven't deiced that yet...
First kiss?:still haven't got one, pathetic eh?
Have you ever had sex?:no
How many times?:
...or will you wait until marriage?:maybe i don't really care
Do you think you're slutty?:no
Do you think you're prude?:no
Are you taken or single?:single :(
Who was the last person you liked?:again, OBVIOUS!
Who do you like right now?:
Who was the last person you went out with (not out of pity, force, etc)?:John
What was your longest relationship?:John
Have you ever been liked/asked out by someone you were totally not into?:no
Have you ever cheated?:no
Have you ever been cheated on?:no...atleast i don't think so
How far have you gone?:not very far
Is flirting cheating?:depends
Random Questions
Do you believe in luck?:no
How about fate?:no
Love at first sight?:maybe, lust at first sight
Love in general?:some what
What's your phrase?:...
Do you believe in God?:not really
What's your religion?:don't have one
Do you wear a watch?:no
What's on your calendar?:nothing
Do you paint your nails?:sometimes
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?:no
Do you drink?:have I, no, will I probably
Do you smoke?:no
Do you do drugs?:no
Do you twitch?:sometimes lol
Can you make yourself twitch?:yes
Have you ever participated in a contest?:yes
Have you ever participated in a talent show?:no
Have you ever participated in a beta test?:no
Do you believe in aliens?:yes
Do you believe in soul mates?:no
Do you understand quantum physics?:no
Would you ever join the military?:no
When was the last time you cried and why?:A few weeks ago, not going to say why
What's the last movie you saw in the theater?:Hostel
What's the dumbest movie you've ever seen?:Fun with Dick and Jane
Do you like milk chocolate?:yes
Do you like dark chocolate?:yes
Do you like white chocolate?:no
What's your favorite chocolate treat?:any kind
What CD is in your CD player right now?:Aerosmith
Do you have an iPod?:no
Do you have your own TV?:yes
Do YoU tYpE lIkE tHiS?:no
Would you rather win a VMA, Grammy, Oscar, Emmy, or Nobel Prize?:Nobel Prize
Who's your favorite action hero?:Batman
Have you ever been so happy you couldn't sleep?:yes
How about so sad that you couldn't sleep?:no
Evolution or Creation?:evolution
What age do you act?:10
What age do you wish you were?:i dunno
Have you ever taken an IQ test?:yes
What were the results?:147
Do you think IQ tests in general are accurate?:not really
Do you love Star Wars?:yes
Do you love Star Trek?:somewhat
Do you love Lord of the Rings?:yes
Have you ever even seen those?:yes
What kind of water bottle was the last one you drank?:i dunno
Have you ever gone to a movie premiere?:no
Have you ever gone to a movie and dressed up in costume?:no
Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire?:no
Do you like the beach?:yes
Do you like skiing?:dunno
Do you like snowboarding?:dunno
Do you like skateboarding?:the only time i have ever skateboarded, i feel right on my ass. it was funny lol
Do you like surfing?:dunno
Are you using a PC or a Mac?:PC
Do you wear overalls?:no
Do you wear boxers?:no
Do you wear dresses?:some times
Can you touch your tongue to your nose?:no
Can you make it into a taco shape?:yes
A clover shape?:no
Can you move your scalp?:yes
Can you lick your elbow?:no
Have you ever been stung by a bee?:no
Live forever or die tomorrow?:live forever (like a vamprie ;) )
How many houses have you lived in and where?:7
Are there trees in your yard?:yes
Do you know what fallacious means?:yes
Do you know what evasive means?:yes
Do you like Seventh Heaven?:no
Who was Eisenhower?:
What's your shoe size?:
What do you say when you stub your toe?:ouch...
What makes popular people popular?:their clothes and what they like
How much of pi do you know?:just 3.14
Have you ever used something random as a sled?:yes
Do your eyes change color?:with the light, yes
What languages can you speak fluently?:English
What languages are you learning?:none
What languages would you like to speak?:French
What did you dress up as for Halloween last time you did?:Vampire/goth/cat
Do you like Ashton Kutcher?:no
Do you like Mandy Moore?:no
Do you like Will Smith?:no
What would be the weirdest job?:i dunno
What sports have you played in the past?:all kinds
Are you racist?:no
If you were famous would you change your name?:no
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity?:once someone said that an young photo of me looked like a young drew berrymore
Have you ever been camping?:yes
Have you ever been on an airplane?:no
Can you drive?:no
How do you want to die?:dunno
Do you believe in Bigfoot?:sure
Do you believe in the Yeti?:sure
How big is your property?:i dunno
Would you ever go skydiving?:yes
If someone were to make a movie about your life what would it be called?:How to Prosper....
What does your underwear look like?:you don't need to know
What AIM phrase is overused?:
What did you do last night?:slept
Do you have a pool?:no
Do you have a hot tub?:no
How many states have you been to?:none
How many countries have you been to?:none
Are you determined?:sometimes
Do you live for the moment or the future?:live for the moment
Do you snore?:yes
Are you a deep sleeper?:yes
Do you have your own car?:no
Bank account?:yes
Credit card?:no
How big is your room?:biggest in the house
Do you share a room with anyone?:no
Do you sleep with the lights on?:no
What do your sheets look like?:blue
What color is your wall?:white
What size is your bed?:twin
How many pillows?:2
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:no
Do you have freckles?:no
Do you own a blender?:yes
Will you go to your prom?:yes