{204} a

A is for Accomplishments Ooo big word! Yeah, but if any of you haven’t noticed by now, that I have been writing the alphabet backwards as my titles, and I have finally come to a! w00t for me, I feel so special! Well today was cool, I got a candy cane from my HBO because I am so special and everyone loves me sooo much :) yeah; well I really have nothing to do. Wait scrap that, I have a lot to do, I just don’t want to do it. I have to clean my room, and I have to do homework, and I have open presents…o wait, I want to do that last one! lol Yeah, my uncle is coming tonight for dinner because he is rich and he is going to his cottage for Christmas. Yay for getting stuff? Well right now I am just sitting here talking to John, he is talking to me right now, and I can see the little bar thinger flashing, but am I going to answer it? No not right now…ok I will go now…blah, has got nothing good to say :P just some talk about me not being able to kick his ass, and Eddie. Blah I want it to be the holidays already, o wait no I don’t >_< I don’t want to see my mother, or anyone on that side of the family. Blah, I hate my mothers boyfriend, and they are all just idiots. I mean who would want to see a person who lied to you, abandoned you, and won’t even call you. Blah! Anyways, John can not take a joke…..blah, you suck! I am so bored right now, and I am just going on and on about nothing. And nothing But you still read Because you think I am awesome right? No? Well then its because you can’t resist me :P Well that’s it for now, comment all of you! Comments rock my socks!
Read 3 comments
um...interesting and you can be a mean person sometimes


YAY FOR A BOYFRIEND THAT LOOKS LIKE GERARD*Heart* Linds ilu! tee hee your fun and the baked goods you gave me didn't kill me YAY!