I don't know if you will ever see this, but i hope you do. I am angered.
You know what; you have got to be one of the most self centered egotistic people that I have ever met. Really, did you think I was writing a letter to make you feel bad! I wanted to tell you all the things that I felt; I thought you would want to know. But really, I wanted my stuff back. I was nice, and I was civilized, and you have made me angry. I want my stuff back the first day of school now, no matter if you are finished with it or not. I suggest you go back and read the rest of the letter, if not I will post it here for everyone else to read. I am shaking with anger right now; I am outraged at the fact that you would not even have the decency to read a letter! I would not be here right now if I wasn’t so angry.
I wished that you would be a responsible person, and face the facts that I laid out, but now I am forced to say here what I feel.
I am so angry that I don’t even know how to express in words how I feel!
Now on the first day of school, I want both books of mine back. The Wicked Heart and the Vampire Lestat. I am also appalled at the state of my Vampire Lestat! If it should get anymore damage I will make sure that you replace it. I tried to be nice, but you won’t have it will you!
I am utterly abolished by your rudeness, but in some strange way I am not so surprised that you would take a route such as that!
I want my books back as soon as possible; I do not wish to drag my father into this ordeal. I am not going to rant to you all my feelings, because really, I am just tired at doing it. Every time I attempt communication with you, you treat me like dirt.
In time, maybe you will become more mature, and break the habit of making others feel like crap.
I never wished this to move onto the public eyes of all our friends, but it seems that is the only way to confront you.
Lindsey Prosper
on a happier note, i got a digital cam from my dad! XD yay
Here are some pics from my special day!
My Dad playing, i got a vid to. XD
My Brother
My Cake!
My cake...again! XD
Monkey's m&m's....(long story)
My icecream! w00t look at that baby XD
This is what I ate XD
And finally, nanny :)
Tomorrow i should have some pics from my moms x_x ya thats right i am going there tomorrow x_x I might get lots of gifts. My Nana and Graddad are going to be there too....yay x_x
Anyway, happy belated birthday. =)
lol. sorry about that. been gone for a while.
-commenting dude