yay! Well it was kinda boring today x_x atleast i was bored today at school.
tomorrow i am going into the busy-ness world to make some monies for our poor ass school.
bleh, i feel like shit today. Not like sick of anything. Kinda still depressed.
"a good sign of depression is sleeping alot"
well i sleep alot, i slept when i came home today. and i want to sleep again.
Why i am a depressed you ask? well i am still alone. Thats the problem, still!!!
why am i alone? well duhhh no one liked me ;_;
it is starting to bug me alot how i am so alone. i just want someone.
It seems like everyone else is alone to. people are breaking up, and people are just being alone.
I am not so alone in the fact that i am alone, there are other poeple out there. Maybe just one of them will like me someday. yeah...someday....but not today....not ever...
comments would be nice. i am not doing so good right now.
-commenting dude