You got chocolate covered
GREATEST!!rate *5* please
Which fruit are you?!!??!
brought to you by Quizilla

Description: Your inner soul is saying LIFE IS GREAT! You're probably the most brightest,optimistic, and energetic person ever! You see most things in life as a big adventure with everlasting fun ;) You love to go outside and run around, and only occasionally would you be caught reading or doing something that involves staying put for a long period of time. You are willing to tryeverything at least once because, hey, life is too short! Everyone seems to want to be just like you because you're a great example of people who live life to its fullest! You don't really have a sanctuary... That is... Besides the whole world >.< You love to have a good time and enjoy yourself among your friends, family, even strangers or by yourself! However, being so happy and energetic can also be your downfall... Some people might see you as a crazy person who doesn't take anything seriously, but that's so not true! Just because you see life better than them doesn't give them the right to act crabby. Keep living life to its fullest and hopefully you can drag some other people along with you :D +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Quote: Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.(unknown) +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Poem Verse: Crazy, I think I'm crazy< Crazy, do you think I'm crazy
I'm just crazy for you darling
Crazy for your love darling
(Allan James Saywell) +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+ Symbol: The sun (lively and full of spirit) +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+
What Is Your Inner Soul Trying To Say? (For Girls and Guys; Contains Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla The discription isn't really me, it has some of my traits. But I like the Quote, and I really adore the Poem. =)

I bow to you! Good job! Email me sometime. I am sure there is much we can teach eachother n.n Do you know the Anne Rice vampires?
brought to you by Quizilla Im sorry, but I know I got every single question right. Cause you know, I'm that good :) You are a PASSIONATE person. In your point of view, Love makes the world go round. You are either a hopeless romantic or a person who secretly longs to be whole. You believe in true love, and you day-dream about the day you finally meet your soul-mate. You are at heart a beautiful person, inside and out, who is unique and driven by a purpose: To find your true love. Your traits: *Romantic *Hopeful *Confident *Perseverance *Sincerity *Sensitivity Your color: Red/ Lavender Your Quote: "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it's meant to be."
.oOo. What Are You Really Like Inside?[ Anime pics included.] .oOo.
brought to you by Quizilla I really like this result, and the quote ¢¾ I took out the picture cause it was way to large. It was just of a read head chick.

You are Relaxed
You have this constant feeling inside that says that everything will be alright. Calm cool, you invented the Chill Pill! (WHAT?!)Whenever there's a problem you don't spaz out, that's why people come to you for advice because you're really reliable. Not many people have the aura of calmness that follows wherever you go. Whenever people are around you, they loosen up, relax, just by being near you! Your motto is 'Sit back and relax'. Stay the way you are, because you rarely get stressed out!
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!)
brought to you by Quizilla I think I am relaxed, but I do spaz out at times. But I don't spaz out at serious things. :)

You're fated to have a Dark love. Probably a lover of things gothic, you're artistic and original. Although you are a loner and independent to a fault, all you will need is him, and he will feel the same...
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
brought to you by Quizilla *cough* No Raven comments please...really...PLEASE!!!!

You were an Elf
So what Mythological Race would you have been born as
brought to you by Quizilla Interesting...

I love your nails, b-cuz you are Freddy Krueger man (or woman)! i have one request, just don't come into my dreams, ok?
what killer do you most resemble?? (with pics!!)
brought to you by Quizilla OMGZ FREDDY! I love Freddy!!! =) You are Lestat de Lioncourt. You are vain, reckless, and like living a wealthy life. However, you have many good qualities as well, and you have very good personality traits, and will only hunt the evildoer. You're also ultra powerful, due to your many experiences. And good looking. And popular.(did I mention you were a rock star once?)
Which vampire from theInterview with the Vampire are you?(only main characters; may contain spoilersfor other books)
brought to you by Quizilla Of course, Lestat. =)

You got the mischevious yet dashing Lestat, good for you! What you look for in boys / men is a boldness and an urge to kiss you and love you forever, affection, so to speak. He may get in alot of trouble tho, be careful.
Which Vampire Chronicles Vampire Is Your Type?
brought to you by Quizilla Hehe Lestat again! Of course Lestat loves me =) I think some other people should take atleast one of these quizzes. =) So I can see your results too!