{59} Just a dream

I had another one of those dreams again, it was really nice as well. ok so this is what happened; we, being my brother and my nanny, moved to a new city, and there was this group of kids. My brother got along with them but i didn't. Then one day they all come over to the house, and we decided to go to this stor thingy across the street. We were all walking there, i was a little bit behind becasue i didn't really felt i belonged there. Then i realized that there was another guy walking right close to me. He was part of the group, but he got left behind with me, so we walked together. We talked a little, and he was cute, not overly hot, but the kinda cute i like. Well when we get to this store they are all in there group and i got to sit down at this table thing, of course i think that the guy is going to go back with his friends, but he comes and sits with me. I ask him why he is sitting with me, and not going with his friends, and he says that he likes my company better. We start talking about how he thinks my brother has replanced him in the group, and then i say you can just stay with me, and he says he would like that. Then after a while we start to get closer, and it was nice, then we ended up in eachothers arms. At that moment in the dream, i felt him in my arms, and i felt like lighter than air, the sorta feeling you would have if you did that in real life. I could feel it when i woke up as well, i still had that feeling. It was really nice just to lie there with my eyes closed still imagining my dream. Then i feel back asleep, and i had another dream, sorta a continuing dream. I sorta fell asleep, and he sorta carried me, but not really, i was half asleep, back home. Then as he was putting me in my bed i asked him to say, and we just lay there, nothing happened X-rated, we just lay there, then he leans his head back and we kiss. Then i wake up. that was my dream, again it felt so real, more real then the last one. It makes me a little more depressed as well. I don't really feel like talking to anyone right now, there are people online right now that i would usually talk to, but i don't want to. I want to be really close to a person, but i don't want to talk to anyone, i just want to be held. It seems this depression is getting worse everyday...... leave a comment please, it makes me feel loved.
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*Loves on you* You're my bestest friend Lindsey.

We need to get some boyo's.
creeeeeeeeeepy stuart dude not allowed.
Nope, sorry. Not allowed. He's not on the VIP list.
no. not coming.
wow. you get crazy dreams too eh? well, good luck with the whole depression thinger...and I'll leave a comment to make you feel better.