Love!by flameheartSo I loved you for your courage, and your gentle sense of shame
And I loved you for your laughter and your language and your name
And I knew it was impossible, but I loved you just the same
Though' the only love I gave to you was hard love
It was hard love, it was hard on you, I know
When the only love I gave to you was love I couldn't show
You forgave the heart that loved you as your lover turned to go
Leaving nothing but the memory of hard love
Bob Franke - Hard Love
Well I can tell you one thing I hate, when people talk about me behind my back. About stuff that has nothing to do with them. And that aren't even true. This person knows who they are.
Other than that, I am still feeling shitty from today, lets hope tomorrow is better.
I finished the book Hard Love, thats where the song came from, never heard the actual song, I just liked the lyrics.
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