Diary "I remember the day" Part 8

Feeling: vacant
I returned to her room, to find her lying quietly on her bed. I thought she fell asleep. It was late, and although I would have stayed with her all night and as long as it would take for her to get better, I knew that her parents wouldn't allow me to stay. I hoped for the best, kissed her and without looking back, I had to find the courage to know that everything will be alright. - That night I realized that Rae is truely the one I'd never let go; for the love I have for her is more than true; its magical. A bond that will never break, between eachother. Where ever we will be, where ever we will go; true love never dies.
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may i be so bold as to enquire who rae is?
: P
My ex from 2001-2002. I'll be posting my entire written diary - so you'll learn more, but read the rest :)