Feeling: claustrophobic
i need to get away. i'm sick of being here. i need to get out on my own. maybe with a room mate. someone who is like me. crazy yet mature. weird yet normal. different yet the same. independent yet dependent. oh what i wouldn't give to get away right now. even if its just for a week. i'm so tired of being kept in my house under the supervision of my parental units. i need freedom. i need independence. only another year. damn. that means another year of high school though. i think high school was created to demonstrate what hell is like. if there is a hell. but if there is i think its going to be like high school. drama. lies. cheating. dictators. creatures. truth. failure. rules. boundaries. yup. high school is hell. i can't wait to get away.
Read 14 comments
High school is fun if you don't have many friends. Because the more friends you have the more likely it is you get wrapped up into drama.

High school is fun as long as you don't care what the masses think. It's a heckuva lot easier that way.

i mean besides the homework...but then again that's what College is like.
yeah i guess all the kids get really annoying...smelling up my halls with their smelly ...smellful ways...grah.

but they sure are interesting to watch.
ok well im a very interesting person.i tlak very much .. umm my name is jackie. and well hi.. im tlkain to my bestest friend faith =D she is kool.. i love her. lol but not like taht soo what are you up to..
but surely it's kind of interesting, watching clones interact with each other. What new things have they got to say to each other? What sort of underlives are they leading?

Are they really all the same or are they just trying so hard to be?

Maybe i try too hard to make boring things interesting.
yeah..well she is cool.and why are highschools bad?
wow why?
oo well why dotn they like you?
Haha--it's true, like "yeah well my 4-jeweled bracelet is more minimalist than yours; minimalist is so in right now"

See, it's vomit-inducing, but hilarious!
Oh, me too, eh! It pisses me off when people write "Your hott" or something like that. Learn the language you're speaking.
And then i hate it even more when I accidentally forget the "'re"...
i guess ESL people are forgivable but people who grew up speaking/writing in English should know better.
My dad told me there are people in his class who actually write papers in chatspeak.

That would piss me off enough to fail them, if it were me.

but in places like NZ and stuff, people use chatspeak even more. it's repulsive.
I do too. times one gazillion.
despise despise hatehatedespise.

bastardising the english language. Come on people, it's already bastardised enough.

Anyway, yeah.
I'm not sure if seeing skyler was a good thing or not, but i'm guessing not.
so i'm sorry it makes you cry. :( I send thoughthugs and other useless happy vibrations.
hello there miss Hailey! Your an online user!!!!! So hello.. again.
Have a nice day
hey man...i'm with you

need to get the hell out of here