Does being lonely in the hub make me lame? Maybe its the depressing music I'm listening to. Maybe its the discussion about domestic violence in SW. Maybe its the paper that I don't want to write due in an hour. Maybe its the food that smells good when I'm hungry. (am I really hungry though? or does it just smell good? I am trying to not be fat here. but god... pizza......) Maybe its all my friends that are happy and I still can't figure it out. I'll probably eat some bread. Maybe not if I can work through the hungry. I saw a picture of me from senior year. And I thought I was fat then.... Its probably just a bitch day.
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Death From Above 1979, my favorite band.
Listen to them. You might like them. =]
aha, thank you. : )
What sort of music do you listen to?
rah, bitch day, go away, come again never a day...
having a fucking bitch week, hear hear!
solution might be dance party?
Suppose not, then. But either way, don't let me tell you what to listen to! You can do whatever you want, after all you are in charge of your life. =]
I actually could care less about political affairs. I'm not an anarchist or anything of that sort, I just could care less what everyone else does.

Yes, so here's a second comment for you. Because I have nothing better to do. =]

By the way, depressing music is never good, it always just makes things seem worse than they really are.
=/ It doesn't much matter 'cos I don't smoke. Thanks for the comment though, sometimes I wonder if people ever read through my entries. I guess someone does after all. =]