i dont like smiling in pictures...so sue me

ok..some are strange, and i wont be able to post many at a time until i figure out how everyone is putting up like 20. i am looking really stupid. there is my long hair, and i kept closing my eyes when kait would take the picture of me, so i tried to keep them open, and they ended up all fucked up, like wide open. and my mouth is weird. jess i hope that cheers you up some. that is kait, (thebestofme0789) my eyes. haha. after experimenting with my camera, me and kait discovered that if you cover the flash with your finger it is the equivalent to a red filter. sometime im going to try construction paper and see if it colors things differently. i still dont know how to make it black and white... its weird about that picture, a second ago when i was happy they looked like they were laughing eyes, now they kinda look like crying eyes. im not like sad or anything, that wasnt an analogy. weird though. that is me in my room. i dont even like half the people in the posters. my room is a mess, and i am wearing a mest tank top. the camera was supposed to be right under me, but it turned out at a weird angle so i have a jay leno chin. my hair looks cool though. i hate my nose. more later. ok, well its officially new years eve, has been for a good hour and 15 minutes. i wont be able to get on much tomorrow, because im gonna be partying from 3 tomorrow afternoon to about noon on january 1st. happy new year. a lot has happened since last year. wow, i wont even go there. did i keep my resulution? somewhat, my resolution was to not care so much about what other people think. this year: i want to have more fun, and try to be a better christian.
Read 42 comments
lol yeah i think we are too tired for our own good. yeah i agree, kids dont realize theyre weird. i defintely realize when im weird. woot. i think im gonna go. even though ill probably come back cuz im addicted. but i think ill go for now, at least. lol bye ttyl -sare
lol yeah. another reason to live stl, theres gotta be better guys out there than ive met here lol -sare
Last picture looks seriously like an oil painting I have seen before, and you don't have a big nose, trust me I am in Jersey.
i want to get out of here as soon as high school is over lol. i dont care where, as long as it is more exciting than gay stl. hehe -sare
lol i understand completely. this past summer i went to florida and the summer before i went to cali. so i defintely understand lol. for some reason, i wanna go to college on the west coast and live on the east coast. the coasts are the best. haha -sare
yup...people in cali and florida n places like that have the ocean. and what do us st louisans have? oh, we have the beautiful mississippi river. ew lol -sare
lol i am in the weirdest mood right now so i will probably read my edit tomorrow and realize how psycho i am, esp bout the 50 year old guy thing. oh well i am pretty weird/psycho so its k, now everyone will just know woohoo. and ive been blabbering for a while. anyways lol. yeah missouri sucks. a lot. theres only a few worse states like kansas and utah. at least utah has mountains. i think? lol who knows. ok then. im done. for now. haha -sare
lol i am cracking up right now. were probably not even that funny, its just this damn mood. haha. ya kansas sucks. i think i would kill myself if i lived there. another boring state- arkansas. it even sounds gay: ark-an-sas *pronounces the last 's'* wow ok then lol. -sare
lol haha. i would have been crying. i hate mosquitoes. hope they die. when i am older and live on the east coast i am going to kill every mosquito. woot. ok im done with that lol. but yeah, hmm, lets continue our list of states more boring than missouri: idaho indiana iowa montana nebraska north dakota south dakota. thats all ive got for now cuz thats as far as i can get in the song that has the states in alphabetical order.
lol you know which one im talking about? the one we learned in elementary school. good ol mr. moore. haha -sare
yes but teenagers are weirder. we are living proof. haha i seriously am cracking up over nothing that is really funny. eh its fun so oh well haha -sare
believing in myself isn't worth the trouble i'd cause myself trying to do it. that may have sounded more confusing than it did when i was thinking it but i knew what i meant.
haha lol. bye bye -sare
Lovely pictures. I love em.

Heh. Goofy.
have a spectacular new years doll, and party on. tonight will be fantastic.
and i am glad you don't hate me, and that you think i am not a fucking idiot. and did you get my email?
yeah, i suppose. but ill never keep em lol. eh oh well. lol -sare
lol. well i dream, but i never follow through with anything so here i am with dreams i know wont come true so i get my hopes up. at least your more realistic and dont get ur hopes up for somethin that wont happen like i do. hehe well i am gonna go so ill be back later im sure lol so ttyl -sare

Hope you have a good new years too.
i am not gonna dress up i am just gonna wear jeans and a top, that is all i ever wear. and why did you delete that entry? it was cute. well anyway, you don't give yourself enough credit, even if you are out of shape you don't look like it, i do. i am fat and out of shape and ugly.
hehheh, its up to interpretation, even green giants, a hint, the title normally has to do something with the theme, if its random though, its just a mindfuck, i like those..
oh shut up. your nose is perfectly fine, little people could not ski off of it. my nose is fucked up. then again, so is the rest of my face so whatever. and i am NOT pretty
yeh, that is what i love about dig. camera's. and it is hard to take pics of yourself,i tried so i could send one to a friend but it is difficult. and you are very pretty and photogenic, so shut up
i am ugly and not photogenic, be happy you don't look like me
no...why would i be?
i sure do
if you saw me you would laugh cos i have a funny body and i am in this sweat suit and it is cute i guess but it is not my style. but it is comfy so i am wearing it anyway. i look funny. cos the top is so tight and i have a strange figure so yeh.
lol u dont have to be sorry. love the pics. especially the one with your awesome hair. hehe -sare
seriously your hot lol
aright. except my picture would scare people off. oh well. lol -sare
thanks that helped...and hey i dont lie i only say what i see :)
haha, that is funny, your jay leno one. but your chin is fine. just the hair is funny and your expression. and you have a cute nose.
lol...right but it should be a sign that after the first date the guy doest wanna talk to me. and you had a boyfriend. so there i win. haha -sare
oh my god, you guys are so cute. hehe. i am jealous that i am not there with you. it would make for my happiness and it would be crazy fun. well, another time for sure. until then you will just have to pretend and think of me.
you can do or post whatever you'd like but don't do it for me. i am okay. just a little hurt.
thanks you are a sweetie.
hahahahahaha, that was great. i mean, it really makes for great times. thanks hunny, you didn't have to do that. you are the coolest. thanks hun. youknow what is funny? you still look ten times better than me.
yay go becca. who was this kid? if u dont mind me asking, im nosy lol. does he go to summit? woot i sound like a mom haha...i did that to kait once, "20 questions" lol ok then im retarded hehe -sare
how do you know, you have never seen me. so hah. i win. you just forfeited that fight cos you have no idea what i look like, tomorrow i will send you a pic and let you stand your ground, but not tonight. i need to feel like a winner for a while. hehe.
correction: most guys are so stupid. if not all. haha lol -sare
what who said to you? the guy that took advantage of you?
that is a good reason to believe what he said, so always believe it. if it made you not depressed and stop cutting and stuff
ahah that second to last one is HOT haha. have a nice day