im going to leave you all with this thought.
before someone gets offended, this is not aimed towards a particular person, it is aimed toward anyone and everyone, its just something i have been thinking about lately.
is it not best to leave sleeping dogs lie and take care of the problems that are already bothering you?
im not sure what the true meaning of the metaphor is, but what i mean is, if something isnt a problem dont make it one, especially with a bunch of other problems already going on.
and heres another thought.
don't sit and wish you hadn't done things. there is no point in that, stop wallowing in your self pity, get off your ass and fix what you screwed up.
auf wiedersehen.
(i found something that will actually teach me basic german!! mwahahhahaha)
i shall talk to you all in three weeks.
i convinced my mom to buy me sleeping pills. hopefully ill be able to adapt without the 5 caffiene pills i am bringing along justincase.
forget the thoughts, i just hope everything works out for EVERYONE.
today/tonight has been quite an eventful day i suppose...
firsts of the day:
*told that someone could see me being a dominatrix
im not sure if i should find that funny or disturbing...
but they were joking.
you need to come back!
~*kisses*~ korkie
im sad...and ill miss you! see you when you get back/when school starts. better work on that odyssey stuff!!!!!!! mwahahaha
Could someone lower her podium please.