But nature more

I saw a quote on someone's diary, that I love. I'll try to go by that from now on. I can't remember the first part, but the end was "Love not man less, but nature more." Today is so beautiful. I havn't been outside yet, but it looks warm, with a breeze, but not photographical...the beauty is because the breeze is blowing through the bradfurd pears that are in bloom, and there are white flower petals blowing through the air. I get to plant things today. I'm very, very excited! _______________________________________
What is your name?:Becca
Are you named after anyone?:no
What's your screename?:
Would you name a child of yours after you?:no
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?:my parents would probably choose brett, since that is what my younger brother is named
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?:aleksandra
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?:my full name, people sometimes spell it rebekah instead of rebecca
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?:i dont want to be famous
Your gender::female
Single?:no, nathan
If not, do you want to be?:im happy the way things are
Birthdate::january 28, 1989
Your age::15
Age you act::not sure, apparently older, according to others
Age you wish you were::21
Your height::5'5 (my father measured my height today, i havnt grown a bit in a year, i was right)
Eye color::dark brown
Happy with it?:i suppose
Hair color::brown
Happy with it?:i wish it was black
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous::right handed
Your living arrangement::with my parents in a house located in a suburban subdivision
Your family::steve-48, janette-49, brett-13
Have any pets?:yes, theodore and charles (dogs), and two hamsters
Whats your job?:i want one asap
Piercings?:not sure how many i have left, i lost most of my earings, some of them probably closed up by now, i suppose i have between 6 and 4
Tattoos?:i want one
Obsessions?:um...no? i don't think so?
Addictions?:strawberry flavored carbonated water, abstract concepts, learning, new age type things
Do you speak another language?:no, because i was stupid and refused to take zero hour. i start german next year, which will be NO HELP AT ALL when i go to germany this summer
Have a favorite quote?:yes but i don't remember it exactly as it is, so i won't share it
Do you have a webpage?:um..duh? this?
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?:never
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?:sometimes
Do you have any secrets?:many
Do you hate yourself?:no
Do you like your handwriting?:it looks like trash
Do you have any bad habits?:popping joints, jimmy foot
What is the compliment you get from most people?:im not sure, i forget them quickly, im not good with compliments
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?:i wouldn't want a movie made about my life
What's your biggest fear?:being wrong, not just being wrong but being wrong about something in particular, that i won't share
Can you sing?:i am told i can
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?:haha, no.
Are you a loner?:i suppose you could say that
What are your #1 priorities in life?:break the barrier
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?:no
Are you a daredevil?:no
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?:i wish i was more tolerant of others, and more outgoing...ive become very withdrawn
Are you passive or agressive?:i suppose i have become agressive
Do you have a journal?:many
What is your greatest strength and weakness?:i have many weaknesses
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:become enlightened
Do you think you are emotionally strong?:i suppose, if you consider numbness strength
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?:not really, i can't regret, the decisions i have made got me to where i am today, and it could be worse if i had made the other choice
Do you think life has been good so far?:kind of
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?:we are all in the same boat..or maybe thats the one i should learn
What do you like the most about your body?:my hair, its getting long
And least?:my figure
Do you think you are good looking?:no
Are you confident?:i have gotten very shy
What is the fictional character you are most like?:you wouldn't recognize the name
Are you perceived wrongly?:i'm not sure how many people really understand me
Do You...
Do drugs?:not really
Read the newspaper?:yes
Go to church?:no
Talk to strangers who IM you?:yes
Sleep with stuffed animals?:haha, yes i do, my bed is like a nest, i have a lot of blankets and stuffed animals, i like the feeling of having something up against my back
Take walks in the rain?:often, i love the rain
Talk to people even though you hate them?:sometimes
Drive?:yes, only in my highschool's parking lot so far though
Like to drive fast?:havn't yet, havn't become that comfortable with the car yet
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?:not really
Hurt yourself?:yes-have, would not
Been out of the country?:yes, have and will this summer
Eaten something that made other people sick?:no
Been in love?:yes
Done drugs?:not really
Gone skinny dipping?:no
Had a medical emergency?:yes
Had surgery?:no
Ran away from home?:no
Played strip poker?:no, i don't know how to play cards, it's sad...i can read tarot cards though
Gotten beaten up?:no
Beaten someone up?:no
Been picked on?:yes
Been on stage?:yes
Slept outdoors?:yes
Thought about suicide?:yes
Pulled an all nighter?:yes, 4 this schoolyear so far for school, and many others
If yes, what is your record?:on new years i had insomnia, everyone else was sleeping and i was talking to people, so i just went upstairs, i ended up being up until 11 30 or so AM
Gone one day without food?:yes
Talked on the phone all night?:no
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?:not really
Slept all day?:yes
Killed someone?:no
Made out with a stranger?:yes
Had sex with a stranger?:i was very drunk
Thought you're going crazy?:yes
Kissed the same sex?:no
Done anything sexual with the same sex?:no
Been betrayed?:yes
Had a dream that came true?:a dream while i was sleeping, not a fantasy
Broken the law?:duh
Met a famous person?:no
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?:no
On purpose?:no
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?:yes
Stolen anything?:no
Been on radio/tv?:no
Been in a mosh-pit?:i havnt even freakin been to a concert since my parents dont trust me anymore, but im hopefully goign to the used, korn, and linkin park this summer
Had a nervous breakdown?:no
Bungee jumped?:no
Had a dream that kept coming back?:yes
Belive in life on other planets?:yes
Miracles?:not in a higher power way
Astrology?:not really
Magic?:im not sure yet if i believe in magick, but not the illusion magic
God?:i dont think so
Santa?:gosh no
Ghosts?:i think so
Love at first sight?:try lust at first sight
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?:yes
Easter bunny?:no
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?:im not sure, no one lasts forever
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?:no
Do you wish on stars?:sometimes
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?:no
Do you think God has a gender?:i'm not sure if i believe in a god, but if i do i believe that there is a god and a goddess
Do you believe in organized religion?:not really
Where do you think we go when we die?:either become a part of everything, reincarnation, or worm chow
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?:acqauntainces
Who is your best friend?:im not sure
Who's the one person that knows most about you?:probably aleksandra or my parents
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?:hold on in case you have to tell someone else to do the same
Your favourite inside joke?:i'm not sure, i havn't had any major ones in months
Thing you're picked on most about?:i'm not really to my face anymore, if you mean constructive criticism, my attitude
Who's your longest known friend?:kaitlyn or sarah
Shyest?:im not sure, none of them are really shy
Funniest?:not sure
Sweetest?:not sure
Closest?:not sure
Weirdest?:not sure
Smartest?:not sure
Ditziest?:i think courtney
Friends you miss being close to the most?:no comment
Last person you talked to online?:i think cedric or aleksandra
Who do you talk to most online?:nathan or aleksandra
Who are you on the phone with most?:i dont really talk on the phone, i guess aleksandra
Who do you trust most?:im not sure
Who listens to your problems?:a lot of people
Who do you fight most with?:im not sure
Who's the nicest?:didn't you already ask that question?
Who's the most outgoing?:probably courtney
Who's the best singer?:kelsey or kaitlyn
Who's on your shit-list?:not really anyone
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?:no
Who's your second family?:my friends
Do you always feel understood?:no
Who's the loudest friend?:alex
Do you trust others easily?:no
Who's house were you last at?:i think nicoles
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in::thats easy, nathan
Do your friends know you?:some of them do
Friend that lives farthest away::im not sure
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?:sometimes
What do you find romantic?:romantic stuff
Turn-off?:not giving feedback in conversations, being sex crazed
First kiss?:the blue armchair in my basement, age 13 (location, not person)
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?:bad
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going:i'm not allowed to date unless i know the person at the moment
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out:i wouldnt mind it being, but i am too shy to ask a guy out
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv:yes
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?:probably not
What is best about the opposite sex?:they aren't all gossipy, i can just be me around them without wondering if they will talk about me behind my back
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?:im not sure
What's the last present someone gave you?:a bottle of florida sand that i can make a candle out of
Are you in love?:nunya business
Do you consider your significant other hot?:if you mean husband/fiance, i dont have one, but if you mean boyfriend, yes i do
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?:if you mean real ghost, possibly a girl in my house, not sure who it was, if you mean person..i guess nathan, or matt
You wanted to kill?:ive never thought about killing anyone but myself, and that was years ago
That you laughed at?:myself
That laughed at you?:my mom
That turned you on?:nathan
You went shopping with?:my mom
That broke your heart?:matt
To disappoint you?:me
To ask you out?:nathan
To make you cry?:things, not people
To brighten up your day?:nathan
That you thought about?:nathan
You saw a movie with?:nathan
You talked to on the phone?:aleksandra
You talked to through IM/ICQ?:aleksandra or cedric
You saw?:my mom
You lost?:what do you mean by lost?
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?:not going anywhere, but if you mean do i have a boyfrined, yes
Will it be with your significant other?:i guess you meant going somewhere, and im not going anywhere
Or some random person?:see above
What are you wearing right now?:baggy khakis and a tight red/orange/yellow/black shirt (o0o, analogous color scheme)
Body part you're touching right now::my legs are leaning against my arm
What are you worried about right now?:waiting for something
What book are you reading?:the world's greatest unsolved mysteries, and the once and future king
What's on your mousepad?:its cardinals, whoo, st louis. *gag*
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling::sarcastic, bored, impatient, wondering, missing
Are you bored?:yes
Are you tired?:sort of
Are you talking to anyone online?:no
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?:no
Are you lonely or content?:a bit lonely, but mostly content
Are you listening to music?:my brother singing in the shower...not musical at all, but it might count

Really Long Survey (over 200) brought to you by BZOINK!
Read 5 comments
i am really liking that picture, kind of bright compared to the dandelion and the sky, but it is way cool
friends since kindergarten baby
haha im so just joking
but we really have been friends that long. we shoudl get an award or something. ok im retarded but oh well lol bye ly
i have no idea if i had homework. and im defintley not checking. oh well lol..but less than two months and its summer! can you believe it? i am so excited lol ly
haha ditto to all of the above
i really like that quote!