old pack of tarot cards

ok well i doubt many people know this but before i was a christian i got into pagan stuff for a while. i now believe fully that Christ is my savior, but even though i was raised a methodist i couldnt just believe that there was this God that loved us all if i had never experienced him in my life. going to church when i was little and hearing bible stories wasnt enough for me. i was the child that needed to know why. my parents put a can of beer on the edge of the counter and told me not to drink it when i was shorter than the counter. i asked them why, and they couldnt explain. so as soon as they left the room i pulled a chair up to the counter and tried it. it tasted like shit and for years i figured that was why they told me not to drink it but i didnt understand why they would. so when they told me "There is a God and he loves you" and i asked why is there a God, of course the Christian religion is all about faith, so there was no answer to why there is a God. so for the rest of my life i went through the motions and basically lied to anyone who ever thought that they would help me along with my faith. i went through confirmation lying. then i started, like i said before, kind of studdying pagan stuff, and during this time i got a pack of tarot cards. i recorded a few of the results on paper from when i did readings...i found this one today. they were a lot more accurate than i thought... here is one where i asked "what about gulf shores? (what will happen, what should i do?) i got in this order going across left from right in the top row. 8 of swords: imprisonment or blockage, blocked psychic energy Ten of Staffs: renewal coming through an ordeal stronger for the experience, unblocked psychic energy. St James-Knight of Staffs: pilgrimage, adventure, setting off to settle in new destination, goal or journey well the knight of staffs i figured that meant that i was going on vacation, which was accurate, i didnt get the 8 of swords but i especially didnt understand what i was going to go through stronger for the experience, so i did another one to elaborate on the 10 of staffs..here is it from left to right two of coins: taking care of yourself physically and spiritually St Mary Magdalen-the Papesse: mystery, knowledge that cannot be expressed in words, hidden knowledge (she was also supposedly a prostitute that kneeled down and washed Jesus's feet with her tears and dried them with her hair, and was one of his best friends after that, but ive heard that she wasnt actually a prostitute or something) St Valentine and the Lovers: love in all aspects, sexual attraction, unconditional love ok, well any of you that know what happened isnt that freaky? i would liek to clarify that i am christian now becuase a lot of things happened and i believe in God and i dont study pagan stuff anymore, and i stopped using the cards.
Read 6 comments
woah...freakish....lol i'm so hyper!! i'm just so torn between the bad girl/good girl thing!! woohooo can't wait to use ur present!! lololol!!
i love you!
You can still use tarot cards and be Christian. Just don't abuse them. :-)
hey i kno this is random..but do u think u can tell me how ta put quotes n stuff at tha top of tha diary like b4 tha entries start?? My friend made my diary for me! lol* I jus write in it haha..well if u could id love that! Thanx..Later..
tarot cards=bad new
sweet! Thanx a ton! :) Later..
i didnt read that i just saw that it sad tarot cards