fuckity fuck.

drama drama drama...seemingly constant in my life. drama is a fish and i am water. for once the beam of light from his white teeth and blue eyes was directed towards me. and then, all hell broke out. if you'd like to know...you could just watch the drama play out, or you could ask me out of this site.... ______________________________________ Post a memory of me in a comment on this entry, then copy and paste this into your journal to find out what people remember about you. _______________________________________ thought i should pass it on. my beliefs...
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the first time i saw you, in the first grade.you had your hair in pigtails, and you always had your crayons out on your desk.soon enough, i had my hair in pigtails and my crayons on my desk, too.oh yeah, and the time you were freaking out b/c you found out brian latal's middle name, and i was SO jealous b/c we all had huge crushes on him in our early elementary school years.good times.and a more recent one:
ly, kait
what i remember about becca hancock...i remember that you went to kinder care (or whatever it was called) with jamie and christen schuller after school..and for some reason, i have this memory of kindergarten, when we had to sit in groups depending on what bus we rode, or if we went to adventure club or kindercare. and you guys were in a group together and i was jealous and wanted to go to kindercare with you guys b/c it looked like you guys...
...were having so much more fun than me. hahaha. a more recent one(good idea kody): the fro guy at the last mixer!! ahha. lol ly, me
i remember u being there for me when i was goin through all of those guy problems with dan after a party and how u just let me talk and u listened to me.that meant alot to me and ill always remember it!thanks oodles!!:D!oo and there was also the time when we thought we saw the ghost by ur entry and all but then it wasnt a ghost..mayb idk.o and the tiem when u n me and kait got really freaked..that was actually a ghost tho..no lie.scary!lyl~nicole
how did you get that on here? i want it too
hm...a memory of you..well ill pick a funny one. remember miss ross's class? 2 minutes! 3 minutes! 4 minutes! man we were way cool back then
I'm stealing the last thing and passing it on.
what happened?