
fuck you, you dont even understand how important this is to me! you dont understand! my eyes actually hurt from crying, and my throat is sore from screaming. and only a few people understand. i can assure everyone that if they dont have a job yet this summer, they arent going to get one. oh, yes, i can. hahahahhaah. i am so fucking pissed off, you dont even know. go read the st louis post dispatch. its completely right. i think i went into 40 different stores/restaraunts today. i got two applications, but the people were just being nice. im not going to get a job.
Read 9 comments
omg! i am the same way! i have applied to five places..and yes not one of them has even called to tell me to come in for an interview..i give up bc this is bullshit. i can work just as well as anyone else. man...i really need money too.poo.
hey becca!! how did your day go. mine went pretty well contrary to what i thought was going to happen or what not. kinda happy kinda stressed kinda bloated. its all good.

hope you had a good day!! :D

you can get a job with me at the zoo or ted drew's. we'll rock the ice cream!

love, me
me too! we should definately protest! it isnt fair to base things on age. we probably have like ten times more intellect than most 16 year olds. argh! im gonna b broke and i wont have money to go and do things and if its like last summer then i will hardly see ne one. y do we look forward to summer when all it does is cause us more stress? crap! u get rid of the school stress and then u just gain more friends, family, social stress.eh.~nicole :/
plus..i definately need to work out if im planning on going to the pool ne tiem soon. o well. enough complaining. we can get through this together...i hope.lyl~nicole
me.2. except i am 14 so thats kinda hard.

lol but in summer some time. someone from ted drew's will miracously get food poisoning and die and then I wILL GET TO WORK THERE!

wow. thats been my main choice to talk about. about how i am going to food poison people just to get my way.


we should have a party to celebrate the last day of school. that would rock my socks off.


love, me
i love that idea!muahahaha all u 16 yr. olds!we could have the becca nicole car wash!!yay and we could sell lemonade on the side!haha all those other kids will b jealous. us non-job people will b the envy of everyone!lol.but yes even if our car wash and lemonade stand fails we still gotta hang out LOTS!luv u oodles~nicole of course..silly. :D
oh i totally agree that parties arent worth having if no alchol. but in a way its a good thing because some people are against all that stuff.



i love you.
love me
I know i have gone alll the hell oer and no one is hiring =(
i wont be getting a job either. poo.