caffiene pills

looks like its gonan be an all nighter tonight. i love the feeling the caffiene pills give me. the feeling whre my fingers are shaking and i cant type well. its nice. ive only taken one so far. im a good girl. homework: finish poetry analysis packet write another poem 4 page biography on rosie the riveter do all of honors geometry homework from whole chapter get schedule signed by parents and completed i should make a procrastination club we could support each other in our procrastination and talk to each other online while doing all nighters. __________________ O.M.G. oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh becca is learning how to be a housewife!! *gasp!* yeah HAHAHAH, my mom is teaching me how to sew tonight. a little. here are the list of things, off the top of my head, that im not capable of doing. *cooking *washing/drying clothes (this is sad...i tried once, i wanted to help my mom, all i knew is that you had to get water in there...i ended up soaking the clothes for 5 hours..) *ironing *sewing its very sad. im sure there is more, that i dont know how to do, i just cant think of it right now. 200 mg/pill. fingers shaking. ill probably poke myself with the sewing needle by accident 13847329847 times. this should be interesting. _____ by the way, since some people seem to be wondering, i dont run a test stealing business. thank you for asking. my aunt is dying. 10 20-my second pill
Read 12 comments
becca i will seriously be up all night. at about 12 ill get online and we'll talk. it will be fun. and then in the morning you can give me a caffeine pill. my homework: language poem crap, a HUGE ass history project thats due tuesday (4 visuals and a 4-6 pg paper) that i havent started yet, math test corrections, math homework...i am excited okthnx ly, sare

good luck with sewing, b/c i definitely CANNOT at all! mwahaha!

becca the housewife.

i think there is a ring to that one.


cant wait for friiiiiday!

how r ya likin the new nickname? kelsey (t) always calls me Kody-Lyn and i always call her Kody-Lee, and i wanna nickname too! everyone else has one!! mwahaha

and can u tell how many entries ive made by puttin ur mouse on the top entry? can ya tell me how many? i counted-101??
any suggestions for another diary for me?

do you care that i copied? sry!! i wont if you dont want me too, i just thought it was a neeeeato idear! lol

for future reference (i think..? lol idunno) i noticed ur background change!! its a new pic of the same tree, w/ snoooow on the ground.

i liiiiiiike it.

how many more hours of homework do you have? please say a lot. :DDDD -sare
you, rebecca hancock, are my savior
lol it's really sad

but on one hand i am so stressed out

but on the other im like "who gives a fuck"

and of course im gonna be a good kid and finsih my homework

but why cant we ever be that kid who doesnt do their homework ever, and not care

i hate being a good kid

lol yeah...ahh i cant even think, theres no point in trying to do my hw, my head had a million kabillion thoughts going on about anything and everything and the last thing i am thinking about is homework and alf;jadlkjfa;dfjv ;aj;odj -sare-
oh man, what i would give for those pills

where do you get em from?

im drinkin lots of coffee but i have a feeling these pills have a LOT more caffeine

im gonna be up LATE tomorrow night too

i love getting no sleep *sarcasm of couse*

my parents would never buy em for me

they most likely wouldnt let me us em either

what they dont know wont hurt em :D

i think im gonna go and work for an hour straight. which isnt much but a lot more than ive done lol but ill ttyl in bout an hour or s/t :DDDD
nodoze and midol.
