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well, apparently brett has been getting on someone elses sn, or his new sn is chaminadestud##. which is funny since we cant afford to send him to chaminade, and he supposedly wants to go to rockwood summit. stud 1. n. a man regarded as virile and sexually active because you know hes SUCH a stud that he thinks that making out is perverted. 2. a man regarded as attractive can you say narcissist? and for those of you that dont know, chaminade is a stuck up and expensive private boys school in the st louis area. or thats its reputation. sorry if i offended anyone. and im king of getting just A LITTLE bit sick of having all these youngin's that have nothing better than boredom "im so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o BOARD[sic]" ahem. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I DONT GIVE A SHIT. to talk about instant message me. im not sure how they all have my screenname, but yes, it is quite annoying. my screenname seems to have spread through all of their buddy lists like a virus, because i have a new one talking to me every day. speaking of viruses. i feel horible. someone please hold my hair back while i puke. i dont really have a stomach virus. i just ate too much mashed potatoes. thats kind of funny, kind of. the real virus i have is idontknowwhat. possibly the beginnings of strep. either way, im supposed to stay home today and tomorrow. doctors orders. i knew it. fuck, i so knew it. well, apparently you arent allowed to come over until everyone in my family is better. that was to nathan, but it probably applies to everyone. so that could be 2 weeks. i feel grounded. so who wants to run off to neverneverland with me ------------------------------------- we are no longer travelling to france this summer, because my parents have heard more and more how rude the french people are to americans. its all just the same to me. so instead, we will be taking an 18-19 day vacation to germany, and probably two countries that border germany, switzerland probably being included. or we may just travel to germany and take a train or jet to london, and go to the uk instead. but we wouldnt be able to see ireland, and i want to see there. blah. we better get planning someday id like to study misconceptions that other countries have about the united states and misconceptions that the united states has about other countries. it would be interesting. you know, when i had exchange students, they all came over thinking they were going to be hosted by a bunch of cowboys. apparently any time someone in germany is seen with a cowboy hat they are labeled as american. howdy, ya'll. and one exchange student had a book of american slang. apparently, the cool way to say schoolbus is cheesewagon in the united states. so she said and when does the cheesewagon come in the morning? we thought maybe she was used to some peddler going around the town selling goat cheese in the morning or such. but either way, it was very funny. good times. her book failed to mention the "cutting the cheese=gas" slang. she was victimized in that respect later on by my uncle bryan. he couldnt pass it up.
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lol, i remember when you told me that story (about the cheesewagon) haha... but yes. i think we all took kgb for granted. but then again, maybe we were neive and she's not really as smart as we all though. who knows.
haha, yeah right, i WISH i could write like him...i love his writing, its awesome, im addicted to it.
and you're writing has come along, also...i think we've 'grown' a TON comparing the earlier entries with recent ones. we're actually starting to write about something important.
i love you
narcissist is a hard word to say.

sorry, i'm just being a smart ass haha ly