
every time i'm tired or i have some other thing that partially impairs my ability to think logically, i feel this extreme pull towards another period of time that happened to be infinitely more genuine and more 'me' than this time period, and sometimes before i can stop myself the words i miss my old life form in my head. i couldnt sleep last night, was up till four in the morning listening to incense and peppermints by strawberry alarm clock looking up mod and hippie fashions. im drawn to that time period with an intensity that almost hurts, and i cant even begin to understand, much less explain. happy fourth of july. i also realized that i have an extreme fear of the stomach dropping feeling, without any cause from my childhood of it. and when i was little i had nightmares almost every night of being older and falling off a cliff. weird. i feel like im going crazy. im going to start saving for a volkswagon bus. ive wanted one for a long while.
Read 3 comments
w0ot to the volkswagon. :)

did you end up getting a xanga diary?
ch-ch-ch-check it out.

hows the room coming??

happy fourth. :)

howwdy!! im in braaanson! lol. um yes. well im bored and in this club house thing by our happy 4th! i miss ya'll back in f-town! lyl~cole
mmm...mods and hippies. :)

man, that dream thing would suck! i always had nightmares, but i don't think i had them very often and you're seem to have a creepy sense....from what you say at least.

a volkswagon bus thingy? that's what i want to!!! i've been thinking of a car to get and recently that's been the only thing on my mind.
