ahem..help me with my cellphone plan

i like candles. i love candles. 2+ of my candles were damaged from friday night's whateveryouwanttocallit. it was a mock circle-mock seance-tarot card shit thing. oh, who gives a fuck. i have money. ill buy more. i have secrets. and i love my secrets. and no one will EVER know all of my secrets. so dont try.
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If you were my next door neighbor I would buy you a candle
im sorry i will buy you more candles :DDD and the seonce thing didn't quite work out did it? hehe -sare-
Sorry to hear about the candles! I love candles and innsence. (i think i spelled that wrong) That is a must at my house!
candles and secrets. what great creatures they are
everyone loves a secret. ;)
can you lend me some of that money?! haha because im having some financial issues.

much <3, maddie
go becca!

keep as many secrets as you need to away from whoever you want. no matter how much they hate it.