Listening to: adam\'s song
I feel like I'm on that carosel, and someone keeps pushing it, and they won't stop. Everything's spinning, I can't focus my eyes on anything, my head is getting lighter, and I'm gonna fall eventually, I'm gonna break, somebody, please, make it stop spinning!
I'm sorry if i hurt you...
I feel like I'm still sitting in that hottub. I can't see anything, there is steam blockign everything, distorting the images that my eyes see, and i can't breathe, i'm surrounded, and i'm sinking, and i'm going to suffocate...
there is only you...
I am not liberty to discuss what is going on at this moment.
But let me say, this weekend has been a thrill ride, I feel like I'm on that carousel, watch out in case i puke.
HAHA. somebody pass me a smirnoff...
take one down...pass it around...
gimme gimme. i NEED it right now, I SWEAR.
tomorrow ill tell everyone about my disturbing dreams.
But I promise...It will only hurt for a second...
and i watched a change in you...
its like you never had wings
and you feel so alive
i watched you change
i took you home, set you on the glass
i pulled off your wings...then i laughed
i love this song. love it.
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