Listening to: atomic-blondie
i feel like bathing in smirnoff ice while listening to pink floyd.
just thought id tell you. and of course, id drink the smirnoff.
its much too good to waste.
i think that would be the funnest bath of my life. ill order a pool of smirnoff and have a party.
next birthday party....
well. this is fun. i took a nap. i overslept. its 4 in the morning. i have heartburn, i have the shakes which makes it hard to type, and i feel like im going to puke. this is very fun. i cant concentrate.
christianity tries to make humans so better than animals, and we are just animals ourselves, everything we do is just a behavior pattern, love is survival of the species. theres a reason.
you stupid girl, stop thinking of failure and CONCENTRATE!!
and its funny becuase im trying to fill out this chart, and my handwriting is all over the place. and its funny how it takes caffiene pills over an hour to kick in. i should have taken them a long time ago.
god, i feel like shit, i really feel like im gonna about ready to go sit by the toilet.
as for the whole sixth grader/being too harsh thing, i dont think i was too harsh. if she wants to be like oh im so cool i talk to highschoolers, then she needs to act mature enough to have a decent conversation with them. she got what was coming to her. life isnt a game, and you dont laugh at someone elses problems, at least not to their face.
so, yes, she will learn. because im going to teach her, right now.
this is my last all nighter. im not going to procrastinate anymore.
i swear....
my eyes keep sparadically unfocusing, its funny in a not so funny way, because i cant work.
um, by the way, its 5 20 in the morning right now. good morning everyone.
i swear this is my new favorite song.
to the tune of "here comes the sun" by the beatles
"here comes the shakes doo doo doo doo here comes the shakes"
i cant feel my fingers and they are shaking wooo wooo
im losing control of my hands. if i click the mouse once, my finger clicks it multiple times. im typing with the wrong keys and i keeo having to redo things, because my hands are just that cool. **shaky.
yeah, im tired
i thnk i want to sleep for a thousand years. and if eekl like i want to puek again.
actually, not really. i have absolutely no idea where that came from.
ly, sare
when that girl said that to me i thought she was crazy lol, im in keyboarding
- aleksandra