Entry #2....Sick

Listening to: Piano-Mom
Feeling: crappy
I really have to say that I'm starting to hate being sick. Out of no where I get hit by this dumb cold, which has decided to progess into a sample of the flu, maybe more. I don't know but I hate it. I can hardly function and my food intake is all screwy. Not to mention my sleeping. I'm so tired and I'm going through fever bursts like crazy. Ahhh! Why now? Why do I have to get sick when I've got so much I have to do with school coming to an end. GRRRRRRRR
Read 6 comments
well i honestly think she'd enjoy it....me dancing...AKA laughin her ass off....
i found it the first day......and you also post a coment on my sit recently....
are you ODed on the cough syrup?
sorry i told you about the shadow thing..........
yes i have seen your abduction pic....kiaser would be proud....lol
lol ewe.......
i know...least its someone....