There is No Escape

Feeling: busy
Got sleep again and I just feel weird. I haven't been able to actually sleep here at college. Ever since I got sick, things have changed. I don't know but I'm not knocking it. With the busy weeks ahead, I can use all the rest possible. I have 2 regular exams and a final next week. Tomorrow I have a quiz in Biol 286 and a lab practical in FNR 252. I just hope I can retain the Latin and key features to each species. Dance is taking up the next two nights and I'm not complaining. I've been upping the work-out outside of dancing. I want to be ready for Arnold and the Jive competitions. It is the most demanding dance out there and yet it is the most fun dance. I'm going through the steps every time Brian and I practice and it helps. Tonight is a Cha lesson. Hopefully Nicole is teaching us a few more steps in the Bronze level but I can't hope. The coaches don't want to put new steps in front of us when we only have 1 1/2 weeks left before the biggest competition of the semester. Dancing for the Governor of California is a serious deal. It'd be awesome to be one of the people able to dance for him. I'm excited.
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