Entry #45...O' Happy Day!!!

Feeling: happy
So....I've been up since 5:20 and I'm totally hyper. I know why too...for once. I get to see Belle right after school. I know I just saw her Wed..but she's crashing here until tomorrow night. Plus! We're going to the Haunted Woods tonight. That is, Belle, Matt, and me. It's gonna be totally awesome. I haven't been to anything haunted since 2000, but that was only the Haunted Mansion down in Disneyworld..and it wasn't even scary. Ahhhh I love actually waking up and already planning what I'm gonna do. I do have to take C.C. home after school so I'm still working that out. My heater broke in the truck again so Mom and I are gonna run it out Mike's around 7:10 this morning and then head into town. I get the JEEP until she gets off work. This ought to be interesting. Musical JEEP. Oh well...that's all! Hey wait I've got a new complaint Forever indebt to your Priceless advice -Kat-
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