Entry #33...Good Day

Listening to: Tell Me-FFVIII
Feeling: happy
Yesterday we had a v-ball double header at the Berry Bowl. The varsity went 1-1 and same for the j/v. Muncie is undoubtly the best v-ball team out there. The AC was on though and everyone of us in the Berry Bowl were numb by the end of the 2 matches with Anderson. I guess it can't be helped. The AC is off during practices after school, but on during meets on Saturdays...wacko school I tell you. Anyways, came home with Matt yesterday and we played DDR...I worked on the pc and talked with Kay. I miss talking to her on a regular basis, but with v-ball and the musical...things are gonna be tight and hectic. Oh, we might have found a person willing to trade our pick-up and some money for a little red car that my dad says I'll really like. I hope so. I want my truck to go to someone who is willing to take good care of it and maybe even restore it, like we had planned on doing. Well, that's about it. I'll catcha all later. Life's a song You don't to rehearse And every verse Can make it that much worse -Kat-
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Do you actually have the song? How can I steal "your" lyrics if I have the song?

She's coming this weekend! WOO!
One more thing.....see you at rehersals on thursday!