well, i finally got my test results today. i passed!! both tests. so that means now i'm a purple belt, yayyy!!! hehehe, i was kinda nervous. but i thought i did pretty good. i'm excited now though. although we already started to learn some of the stuff, n it looks hard as hell. although i'm kinda pissed, cuz while im gonna be gone on my cruise, they get two extra days to learn more stuff than me. but i'm sure we'll still test at the same time. they'll just understand all of it better. which isn't good for me. so i'll have to be sure to come back and be really prepared.
it's kinda funny though. cuz today had started off really crappy. n that's how i figured it would finish. i thought it would just get worse. but looks like things are actually turning around. it started crappy, but got better. in the morning, it was just stupid lil shit. but tonite, i got my belt, hung out with lance n calvin, n all that fun shit. so that was cool. i love those two. they're great. dont know what i would do without them. hopefully i'll hang out with them tom.
i'm already on break!!! woohoo!!! i don't have any finals for tom. so that's great. so i'm already out hehhee. i'm happy. no more wakin up early for a while for me hehe. so tom i think i'm just gonna stay home, maybe watch some movies, n start packin for the cruise. sounds like a blast hehe.
Gr. i talked to his loser girlfriend lastnight. >:[
♥ jEs-